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What Shirakura keeps injecting between his toes to lead him to think why these movies are a good idea shall forever be a mystery. |
In case you somehow managed to miss the first two parts of this review, here's the links.
Part 1 http://ondavidsbrain.blogspot.com/2017/09/tokusatsu-review-chou-super-hero-taisen.html
Part 2 http://ondavidsbrain.blogspot.com/2017/09/tokusatsu-review-chou-super-hero-taisen_25.html
There you go you're all caught up now to finish this sucker. Where we last left off Hiiro managed to get into the Game World via the Laptop Little Jobe left behind.
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I'm not quite sure Hiiro but I do know that this place has a refreshing mint flavor. |
OK STOP RIGHT THERE!!!!! Amazons is supposed to take place in an alternate universe from the mainline Kamen Rider series so how the hell would Little Jobe even know about them much less be able to recreate them for Chou Super Hero Taisen?
OH eat my ass with Chipotle Mayo Gosei! On top of the Amazons being narrative bullshit they have their own OP bullshit as apparently Ex-Aid only has 10 HP while the three Amazons have 10,000 each! But even with those bullshit handicaps Ex-Aid still manages to defeat the three Amazons with some helpful power ups but now has to deal with Data-Dark Kabuto, Dark Ghost and Dark Drive, oh Emperor damn it! Poppy and Bootleg finally manage to confront Little Jobe who explains that he was the one who created the bridge between the worlds so that Data-Shocker could destroy the real world.
Bootleg then has his little back and forth with Little Jobe which goes on for what feels like a small eternity thanks to the movie editing the three fights into the conversation that ruins the flow of the scene (almost as if the movie thought that the kids would lose interest if there wasn't some action going on in between this conversation, basically the movie is jingling its keys) and yet the two characters in this movie that supposedly don't have emotions are still more emotive and convincing in their performances then Troy from Megaforce! But then again that's not saying much, hell Johnny from The Room is more of a convincing character then Troy.
Hiiro finally manages to defeat Data-Hiiro but before Data-Hiiro fades away he gives his real self four things, an odd power up, the Galaxian Gashat, the deck full of Data Sentai and Rider cards and a request to save Little Jobe. So he pretty much ignores that by destroying the connection between the worlds despite Emu's objections. Well at least he was looking at the bigger picture in this case so I'll give him a pass, besides we really don't give a slimy sewer shit about Little Jobe so who cares? Besides all the buildings and people destroyed by Fred Fuchs are restored too which gets him pretty pissed off so he assumes his Monster form and then defeats Data-Uutchy. Emu, Hiiro, Bootleg and Josuk3po transform to help finish off the stragglers.
Though Ex-Aid gets pined down by Fred Fuchs so Brave revives the rest of the GoRiders from their Clow Cards to back him up, for all the good it does as he just smacks them back into cards again in less then a minute making that scene completely pointless. So now it's time to crank up the bullshit to its highest level as Fred Fuchs calls out to Jark Matter (who he should have no knowledge of since he's only been in the game world) that gives him a giant mech which he of course knows how to pilot despite presumably just getting the thing now! This of course triggers the Shōji Yonemura slow mo explosions we've seen so many times even Michael Bay is sick to death of them. But not to worry they've got back up from the Kyuranger mechs which (thanks to the Gemini Kyuutama) can create two KyuuRen-Ohs to keep the Jark Matter mech at bay as well as Brave giving Ex-Aid the power up to make him grow to Giant Size (because of course Data-Hiiro saw that far ahead and this isn't just lazy writing no no no.) So Gaint Ex-Aid goes to his Super Form of Maximum Mighty X (thus drawing full comparisons to it and Gurren Laggan's design) to aid the two KyuuRen-Oh's fight Fred Fuchs and his Fuchazord.
Brave uses some of the Hero Cards to back up Snipe and Paradox. One of them being Agito Burning Form, which has been bugging me since we saw him in GP, why is he always showing up in Burning Form? Ok when he showed up in GP he was fighting at night in a cave and it's established that Shining Form can only be called upon in the sunlight so Burning Form makes sense. But this fight is taking place in the daytime, with the sun out so what the hell? Did the Shining Form suit get too badly damaged or were they just being lazy; either way shows the people working on this just don't give a shit. Wrapping it up the heroes on the ground finish of the Data-Shocker solders and monsters while Ex-Aid and the Kyuurangers destroy the Fuchazord. In the after math Little Jobe is freed from the Game World because he wished for it really, really hard, yes seriously.
So the Kyuurangers leave, Little Jobe goes back to his life and the CR doctors go back to their lives like none of this never happened. So that was Chou Super Hero Taisen and honestly I've seen worse from these movies. There was everything about Kamen Rider Taisen which you all should know about by now, the BS from Super Hero Taisen GP and how Shirakura clearly doesn't give a shit about Kamen Rider's history this is honestly pretty low on the totem pole of annoyance, pretty much about as watchable as Super Hero Taisen Z at best. But just like Super Hero Taisen GP this movie has a net based spinoff that tries to tie into the main series of Ex-Aid. It fails in this case but like the Kamen Rider Yongo net movies the Kamen Sentai Gorider Net movies are still better then the main movie itself, so when we come back we'll take a look at Chou Super Hero Taisen's DLC; Kamen Sentai GoRider and see where it stands in terms of DLC. Is it as good as Minerva's Den and Burial at Sea for BioShock 2 and Infinite or is it as bad as the True Ending of Asura's Wrath?
Special thanks to my Patreon backer Jesse for his support.
Kamen Rider is owned by Ishinomori Productions, Toei Productions, and Bandai.
Super Sentai is owned by Ishinomori Productions, Toei Productions, and Bandai.
Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure is owned by Orion Pictures, Stephen Herek, Interscope Communications and Nelson Entertainment.
Power Rangers is owned by is owned by Saban Entertainment, Haim Saban, Renaissance Atlantic Entertainment, Toei Company, Ltd. and MMPR Productions, Inc.
The Room is owned by Tommy Wiesau.
Dragon Ball, Dragonball Z and Dragonball GT is owned by Funnimation, Toei animation, Fuji TV and Akira Toriyama.
Dragon ball Z abridged is owned by Team Four Star.
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