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1996 that's where it all started. Though of course since I'm talking about Pokémon Yellow it's a little bit later than that but that's getting off topic, point is Pokémon; big thing back then big thing now. I've been going through this game on the virtual console in preparation for Pokémon Sun and Moon. FYI planning on getting Sun since my little bro is most likely getting Moon and planning on getting Litten as my starter because I like me some fire kitties and I think my preferred starters need more fire types.
So far my preferred starters are Bulbasaur, Cyndaquill, Treeko, Piplup (also haven't beaten a Gen 4 game since they sucked and aside from Ponyta Chimchar was the only other fire type Pokémon until they updated in Platinum, hoping that if they do release an updated version of Diamond and Pearl like they've done with Ruby and Sapphire they keep the Platinum roster) Snivy and Froakie so yeah only one fire type, gonna need to fix that. Anyway in honor of Pokémon's 20th anniversary here's the list of my final Pokémon teams since my resurgence in Pokémon with the release of X and Y.
April 30, 2014 was when I beat Pokemon X, my team consisted of a level 70 Greninja, a level 63 Aegislash, a level 64 Snorlax, a level 64 Lapras, a level 66 Xerneas, and a level 68 Charizard not a bad way to start. July 3. 2014 I got into the hall of fame in Pokemon Black 2 Normal mode, my team had a level 62 Emboar, a level 56 Stoutland, a level 56 Magnezone, a level 56 Golduck, a level 56 Zoroark and finally my level 52 Metagross. December 13, 2014 I finally beat Steven in Alpha Sapphire with my team, my roster was a level 55 Warren, my level 51 Latias, my level 55 Kyogre, my level 54 Metagross, my level 55 Dusclops and the Pokémon I've been with since day one, my level 58 Sceptile. Then came January 29th 2016 when I beat Pokemon Black ( at least beat N and Ghetsis) with my Level 52 Reshiram, level 46 Tornados, Level 47 Vaniluxe, Level 44 Scolipede, Level 45 Bouffant, and last but not least my level 52 Samurott.
Which leads to my replay of Pokémon Yellow, and let me tell you going back to Gen 1 after all the innovations made in the latest generations made this journey quite the arduous one. My legendary team was my Lv 50 Pikachu, Lv 44 Venusaur, Lv 45 Charizard, Lv 43 Blastoise, Lv 42 Hitmonchan, and Lv 45 Kabutops. Can't wait to get my golden team in Pokémon Sun, now I have some unfinished business in HeartGold where I'll finish what I started years ago.
Pokémon is owned by Nintendo, Game Freak, Ken Sugumori, and Satoshi Tajiri.
I'm David, welcome to my brain. Here I write to not only show that I can but to share my opinions on various topics. Mostly Video Games, Anime, Movies and Tokusatsu. Though I am open to suggestions and never afraid to admit when I'm wrong. Have a good time in here and be sure not to mess with my memory, it's bad enough as it is.
Thursday, June 30, 2016
Saturday, June 25, 2016
Manga Review: Madoka Magica The different story Volume 1: Burnt Cherry Pies and bitter tea.
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So from here on out I'm just going to assume you've seen the show so be forewarned there will be spoilers.
Our table of contents cover is of Kyoto sitting on what I assume is a chandelier in the remains of her church. Ok several questions here, first off if she's sitting on it why hasn't it fallen off the ceiling already? Putting her diet aside the place was burned down and last I checked heavy chandeliers don't stay long when bolted to burnt wood. Also how did she even get up there in the first place, is she a spider monkey or something?
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Oh wait never mind. |
We open on Mami and two other magical girls fighting a witch that looks like it escaped from the world of Tron.
The three try to attack it but it doesn't seem to make a dent. The two start to retreat telling Mami to run if it gets too rough. Mami doesn't of course since she's a main character and a user is duty bound to keep fighting so she does eventually De-Rez the bug.
Mami offers the two girls to share the Grief Seed, the two refuse and instead give her some advice.
So Mami sees that being a magical girl isn't all sunshine, friendship and unique dresses. We then jump one year later where after Mr Mind tried to devour the space time continuum. Wait wait wrong universe, this is far more sane then a giant super intelligent caterpillar trying to eat time. Anyway we see that Mami has essentially thrown herself into her role as a Magical Girl, she's about to take on a Witch in her labyrinth when she notices that the entrance is warped.
Inside we see a rookie Kyoko fighting against a Minotaur Witch and not doing too well. She then tries her special duplication technique in a two pronged attack which works and Kyoko takes down the Witch. Or does she? Familiars show up and restrain Kyoko, while one of them goes to grab the witch's axe allowing the witch to regenerate its body. As the Witch is about to kill Kyoko Mami ties the monster up with her ribbons and destroy the familiars saving her.
Mami figures that the Witch's real body is its axe explaining its supposed regeneration. So the two destroy the Witch and introduce themselves afterwords. Kyoko apologizes for stepping into Mami's turf. Mami doesn't mind however since the witch is dead and thus, no more deaths by that Witch's hands, Kyoko takes her leave but Mami offers to let her share the Grief Seed. She accepts her offer and after Kyubey disposes of it Mami asks if she has some free time.
Back at Mami's place Kyoko is enjoying Mami's peach pie and complements her for her experience of fighting witches and how grateful she is having met her. We end the first chapter with Kyoko asking Mami if she can take her on as a disciple.
Chapter 2 starts a few weeks later with Mami over the moon that she's finally made friends with a magical girl. After school the two go off on their hunts, exterminating witches and it seems to go well for a while. One day Mami explains to Kyoko about how she became a magical girl.
Afterwords Kyoko invites Mami to her place where she has dinner with Kyoko's family. Kyoko's dad explains that when he and his family were in the financial pits for a while due to him introducing new ideas to his sermons to the point where he was excommunicated from the church, that is until recently when seemingly out of nowhere people showed up in droves to hear his sermons. Of course it doesn't take a genius to put two and two together so after dinner Mami confronted Kyoko and she came clean saying that her wish was for people to hear her dads sermons, Mami offers her concerns about making wishes on behalf of others however Kyoko argues that it was for her happiness as well as her family; that her dad was always working to make sure her and her family was happy so by helping him she's helping herself.
Afterwords Kyoko invites Mami to her place where she has dinner with Kyoko's family. Kyoko's dad explains that when he and his family were in the financial pits for a while due to him introducing new ideas to his sermons to the point where he was excommunicated from the church, that is until recently when seemingly out of nowhere people showed up in droves to hear his sermons. Of course it doesn't take a genius to put two and two together so after dinner Mami confronted Kyoko and she came clean saying that her wish was for people to hear her dads sermons, Mami offers her concerns about making wishes on behalf of others however Kyoko argues that it was for her happiness as well as her family; that her dad was always working to make sure her and her family was happy so by helping him she's helping herself.
After some time passes and the two continue to work together Kyoko thinks that the two are so good that even Whalpugusnaught would be a simple job for them and the two make a promise that if it does appear the two could team up and protect the town together. But as they say all good things must come to an end and their cries of jubilation will become tears. Later that night Kyoko is alerted to a witch in her fathers church, sure enough people under the influence of the witch's kiss were planing to burn the place down. Kyoko managed to subdue them before taking down the witch, afterwords however Kyokos father sees what happened.
From here in episode 3 is where we start the downward spiral, at some later point in time Mami's asking why Kyoko's so out of it lately. Kyoko then asks Mami a hypothetical question, that if a magical girl saves someone from committing suicide while under a witches influence and a neighbor or loved one saw the victim try to kill them self; would it have been better to not save the person if the neighbor or loved one would label the victim as a lunatic instead of dying; being mourned like normal and being spared the scrutiny. Mami says that while she does agree that what magical girls do might not be the best thing for every person in every circumstance she says that they can't just ignore a person who's about to die biased on whether the person would be better off without being labeled as crazy afterwords.
Later that night Kyoko walks in on her dad in about his fifth bottle of scotch with a group of his followers out the window. She tries to tell him of the good she did in saving people. But all he does is call her a witch and a demon for manipulating people to join his flock, that they didn't come of their own accord but that they were brought there under the influence of a demon who made a deal with his daughter all as part of a plan to kill them as part her pact with the demon.
Here's where I step in to bring the hammer on this jackass, so by your own admission you would much rather put your half cocked nonsense over the safety, health and financial stability of your family? So by proxy when your daughter who you claim to be doing all of this for and were grateful for the new members of your flock brought them to you by admittedly less then ethical means you call her a monster, go into a drunken slump and blame her for putting her life on the line in exchange for insuring that her little sister wouldn't have to go to sleep hungry?
Here's where I step in to bring the hammer on this jackass, so by your own admission you would much rather put your half cocked nonsense over the safety, health and financial stability of your family? So by proxy when your daughter who you claim to be doing all of this for and were grateful for the new members of your flock brought them to you by admittedly less then ethical means you call her a monster, go into a drunken slump and blame her for putting her life on the line in exchange for insuring that her little sister wouldn't have to go to sleep hungry?
Yeah no that's not how it works here dude in the real world money makes the world go round, you can proclaim your ideas in your free time on a blog or v-log or something. But when you are doing the job that puts money in your wallet and food in your family's stomach you do what the script says and make sure they keep coming dickhead. Now again if you want to suggest your own ideas do it off the clock, but when it comes to making money, make the fucking paper and stick to the script! The only reason Kyoko did what she did was because you put your nonsense over your family's welfare, so thus you lose asshole!
So after that Kyoko stops seeing Mami who continues to fight witches solo wondering where Kyoko went and if she isn't like the other magical girls. She flashes back to asking other Magical Girls why they only go after witches and not the stray familiars. They say that if they did what Mami suggests that the witch population would decrease and thus less Grief Seeds to collect. When she asks Kyubey he says that more often then naught magical girls would let familiars go about killing and eating humans if it means that they would grow into proper witches and thus more Grief Seeds, and that Mami's type of magical girl is much less common.
Winter rolls around and as Mami is searching the town for witches she hears a news announcement, that the Sakura house has been burnt to the ground and the firefighters found three corpses, believed to be a murder suicide. We then cut to Kyoko standing outside the burnt remains of the church. Kyubey asks if she's going to get any more Grief Seeds since she hasn't purified her Soul Gem in a while. Kyoko asks what the point is if her power couldn't protect her family. She says that she doesn't need it and thinks that her dad was right and there really might not be any difference between her and a witch.
Nonetheless she tries to fight a witch but can't use her illusion magic. She nearly gets killed by the witch but after having some painful flashbacks she manages to over power it. She asks Kyubey why she can't use her magic and it explains that every magical girls powers comes from their wish, and since Kyoko rejected her wish she subconsciously rejected her own powers (stupid power limiting brain). Chapter 3 ends with Mami finding Kyoko in the snow, the two hugging and crying, Mami for not finding Kyoko sooner and Kyoko blaming herself that her family died.
Chapter 4 starts with Kyoko back at Mami's place where she offers Kyoko to stay with her until things settle down. Kyoko refuses saying she can't impose on her like that. Um kid, your family just died right in from of you and your house is gone, I think she'd understand. Mami however tells her she can stay as long as she needs and that she doesn't have to do everything by herself. She then goes to make a light dinner for the two. Just make sure you don't give her that burnt cherry pie, I doubt she'd be wanting that right now. Kyoko thinks to herself that she can't be with Mami anymore.
Later after they finish off a familiar Mami tends to Kyoko's damage.
Mami then proves she's not that shrink when she asks an incredibly stupid question asking why Kyoko doesn't use her fascination magic and stating that if she doesn't give her all she's going to get killed. On that note Kyoko drops the bombshell that instead of going after both Witches and Familiars, that they should just concentrate on the witches and ignore the familiars. She further goes on to say that Mami's hero act isn't cutting it for her anymore and that his is a matter of survival and can't go with her hobbies anymore. Mami says that if they don't then people are going to die, that's when Kyoko snaps and shouts that those who want to die will die regardless of the witches or familiars, so why should she go out of her way to save ungrateful assholes who wanted to end it all anyway?
Mami then proves she's not that shrink when she asks an incredibly stupid question asking why Kyoko doesn't use her fascination magic and stating that if she doesn't give her all she's going to get killed. On that note Kyoko drops the bombshell that instead of going after both Witches and Familiars, that they should just concentrate on the witches and ignore the familiars. She further goes on to say that Mami's hero act isn't cutting it for her anymore and that his is a matter of survival and can't go with her hobbies anymore. Mami says that if they don't then people are going to die, that's when Kyoko snaps and shouts that those who want to die will die regardless of the witches or familiars, so why should she go out of her way to save ungrateful assholes who wanted to end it all anyway?
Mami tries to console her saying that she understands how she feels about her family and this is where Kyoko goes full renegade and screams that she has no idea what she's talking about; that a girl whose family died in an accident is nothing like a girl who's family was killed because of her. She does however admit that Mami was right about one thing, that she should have made the wish for herself, so that only she would be the one suffering instead of forcing her perception of happiness on others. Not to mention the fact that her wish essentially brainwashed people to listen to her dads ramblings but that's another discussion. Back on track Kyoko says that from now on she'll only ever use her magic for her benefit.
She tries to walk off saying they're finished but Mami won't have it telling Kyoko that she can't let her walk that path. Kyoko however isn't playing around, so she transforms and points her spear at Mami telling her that she's willing to kill her. Mami transforms as well and the two fight, however during the fight Kyoko says that Mami is clearly holding back as she manages to get her spear inches away from Mami's throat. Kyoko says that she'll definitely kill her next time. As she walks away Mami tells Kyoko that she was the first Magical Girl she ever saw eye to eye with. When Kyoko's completely gone Mami starts crying now that she's back to being alone again. Kyoko says to herself that Mami can find people far better then her.
We then cut to a few months later where Mami is waking up from a dream when Madoka is trying to get Mami's attention telling her that Sayaka is in trouble. So the first volume ends with Sayaka being attacked by Kyoko and Mami intervening to save her pointing her musket at Kyoko's back Kyoko commenting that she thought Mami rotted away a long time ago.
Afterwords we get some words from the writer about how grateful he is for the gig and being able to adapt this story from the "farewell story" audio drama that came with the DVD. This first volume is pretty good, though that's mostly due to this volume being an adaptation of the aforementioned audio drama, which was written by Gen Urobuchi himself, which means that its cannon, at least as far as I know. So keep in mind that after Mami woke up we're off the reservation, the rest is an alternate timeline. I'll get to commenting about the artwork when we end the coverage of this story, so till next time.
Dragon Ball, Dragonball Z and Dragonball GT is owned by Funnimation, Toei animation, Fuji TV and Akira Toriyama.
Deadfall is owned by Tristar Pictures and Christopher Coppola.
Madoka Magica The Different Story is owned by Magica Quartet, Masaki Hiramatsu, Hanokage and Yen Press.
Spongebob SquarePants is owned by Nickelodeon, Stephen Dillenburg, United Plankton Pictures, and Viacom International Media Networks
Friday, June 24, 2016
Let's Play Back to the Future: The Game Complete Playlist
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Here it is the full playlist for my Let's play of Back to the Future the game, sorry about Parts 1 and 2 being split up for so many videos but this was before Shareware released the update that let you make 60 minute long videos and it was my first time using it. For more content follow me on Twitter, Facebook and support my Patreon page at
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Back to the Future is owned by Robbert Zebecks, Bob Gale, Stephen Spielberg, Ambling Entertainment and Universal Studios.
Here it is the full playlist for my Let's play of Back to the Future the game, sorry about Parts 1 and 2 being split up for so many videos but this was before Shareware released the update that let you make 60 minute long videos and it was my first time using it. For more content follow me on Twitter, Facebook and support my Patreon page at
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Back to the Future is owned by Robbert Zebecks, Bob Gale, Stephen Spielberg, Ambling Entertainment and Universal Studios.
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
Let´s Play Back To The Future The Game episode 5 pt 3: Finale.
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We finally stop Edna and time is saved, or is it? For more content follow me on Twitter, Facebook and support my Patreon page at
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Back to the Future is owned by Robbert Zebecks, Bob Gale, Stephen Spielberg, Ambling Entertainment and Universal Studios.
We finally stop Edna and time is saved, or is it? For more content follow me on Twitter, Facebook and support my Patreon page at
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Back to the Future is owned by Robbert Zebecks, Bob Gale, Stephen Spielberg, Ambling Entertainment and Universal Studios.
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
Let´s Play Back To The Future The Game episode 5 pt 2: What did she do this time?
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Good news Doc's back, bad news we lost Hill Valley. For more content follow me on Twitter, Facebook and support my Patreon page at
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Back to the Future is owned by Robbert Zebecks, Bob Gale, Stephen Spielberg, Ambling Entertainment and Universal Studios.
Good news Doc's back, bad news we lost Hill Valley. For more content follow me on Twitter, Facebook and support my Patreon page at
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Back to the Future is owned by Robbert Zebecks, Bob Gale, Stephen Spielberg, Ambling Entertainment and Universal Studios.
Monday, June 20, 2016
Let´s Play Back To The Future The Game episode 5 pt 1: It's the dawn of a new day.
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We go to the expo, but Edna and Citizen Brown have other plans. For more content follow me on Twitter, Facebook and support my Patreon page at
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Back to the Future is owned by Robbert Zebecks, Bob Gale, Stephen Spielberg, Ambling Entertainment and Universal Studios.
We go to the expo, but Edna and Citizen Brown have other plans. For more content follow me on Twitter, Facebook and support my Patreon page at
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Back to the Future is owned by Robbert Zebecks, Bob Gale, Stephen Spielberg, Ambling Entertainment and Universal Studios.
Saturday, June 18, 2016
Let´s Play Back To The Future The Game episode 4 part 3: The first is the worst.
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The plan works, but both Emmett and Citizen Brown take it hard. For more content follow me on Twitter, Facebook and support my Patreon page at
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Back to the Future is owned by Robbert Zebecks, Bob Gale, Stephen Spielberg, Ambling Entertainment and Universal Studios.
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Back to the Future is owned by Robbert Zebecks, Bob Gale, Stephen Spielberg, Ambling Entertainment and Universal Studios.
Friday, June 17, 2016
Let´s Play Back To The Future The Game episode 4 part 2: Operation Heartbreaker
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Time to keep Emmett from making the worst mistake of all time. For more content follow me on Twitter, Facebook and support my Patreon page at
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Back to the Future is owned by Robbert Zebecks, Bob Gale, Stephen Spielberg, Ambling Entertainment and Universal Studios.
Time to keep Emmett from making the worst mistake of all time. For more content follow me on Twitter, Facebook and support my Patreon page at
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Back to the Future is owned by Robbert Zebecks, Bob Gale, Stephen Spielberg, Ambling Entertainment and Universal Studios.
Thursday, June 16, 2016
Let´s Play Back To The Future The Game episode 4 part 1: Free Citizen Brown!
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We save Citizen Brown and it's off to 1931 to erase him for good. For more content follow me on Twitter, Facebook and support my Patreon page at
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Back to the Future is owned by Robbert Zebecks, Bob Gale, Stephen Spielberg, Ambling Entertainment and Universal Studios.
We save Citizen Brown and it's off to 1931 to erase him for good. For more content follow me on Twitter, Facebook and support my Patreon page at
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Back to the Future is owned by Robbert Zebecks, Bob Gale, Stephen Spielberg, Ambling Entertainment and Universal Studios.
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
Let´s Play Back To The Future The Game episode 3 part 3: Death to Citizen Brown!
Please be sure to read, comment, spread the links, re-tweet and follow me on Twitter @OnDavidsBrain! and support me on Patreon.
We finally see Citizen Brown and George gets karma upside his head. For more content follow me on Twitter, Facebook and support my Patreon page at
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Back to the Future is owned by Robbert Zebecks, Bob Gale, Stephen Spielberg, Ambling Entertainment and Universal Studios.
We finally see Citizen Brown and George gets karma upside his head. For more content follow me on Twitter, Facebook and support my Patreon page at
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Back to the Future is owned by Robbert Zebecks, Bob Gale, Stephen Spielberg, Ambling Entertainment and Universal Studios.
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
Let´s Play Back To The Future The Game episode 3 part 2: 3 course meal of misbehavior.
Please be sure to read, comment, spread the links, re-tweet and follow me on Twitter @OnDavidsBrain! and support me on Patreon.
Marty has a plan to see Citizen Brown, now to get some attention. Viva le revolution! For more content follow me on Twitter, Facebook and support my Patreon page at
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Back to the Future is owned by Robbert Zebecks, Bob Gale, Stephen Spielberg, Ambling Entertainment and Universal Studios.
Marty has a plan to see Citizen Brown, now to get some attention. Viva le revolution! For more content follow me on Twitter, Facebook and support my Patreon page at
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Back to the Future is owned by Robbert Zebecks, Bob Gale, Stephen Spielberg, Ambling Entertainment and Universal Studios.
Monday, June 13, 2016
Personal Post: Top 15 favorite Episodes of AT4W Part 2: The best of the wha?
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For those who missed part 1 here you are and now off we go.
#8 Justice League Cry for Justice # 5, 6 and 7: Ah Cry for Justice, the first review of Linkaras where I saw pure, genuine rage. Now I know he exploded when he talked about the infamous moment in One More Day during his Top 15 comics he'd never review video. (Though he actually did review entries from that list and I'm still waiting for when he talks about Sonichu pulling his biggest boner about Wendy's haunted vagina. This horrible mental image has been brought to you by Nextwave now with an army of tap-dancing hedgehogs.) But yeah when he got to the part where Leanne was killed, I honestly felt uncomfortable when he called the comic exploitive, badly written trash.
However hindsight is funny, because thanks to Convergence we see that Leanne was somehow brought back to live for Pre New 52 Roy and he's clearly no longer listening to her zombie ghost telling him to do China Cat. So while Cry for Justice is now completely null and void it's still an aggravating little mini series that James Robinson would wish to completely forget ever happened. So all we're left with is a mini series with beautiful artwork (for the most part) being wasted on Prometheus walking through a bunch of dumbass versions of heroes like he was a villain in a Shouji Yonamura Kamen Rider Movie. Actually this really is like Kamen Rider Taisen, our supposed heroes are idiots, a group of them commit horrible and unethical acts they would never do, the villains plan makes no sense but just kicks their asses by sneezing on them, and a lot of potential is squandered. Though speaking of Roy Harper, when will Linkara finally review "Fall of Green Arrow"?
#7 Mightily Murdered Power Ringers #1: Right on the heels of NBComics came something that gave me a certain embarrassing sense of laughter that I would only rediscover later when I saw Akibaranger, specifically a certain episode during season 2.
Yeah I'm a bit of a fan of Power Rangers and man this comic was just crazy. I'm not going to explain exactly why because this is one of those episodes that you need to go in blind for. But it's Linkara's reactions to the jokes that really get you rolling. But remember if you are a fan of Power Rangers, it's just a joke and even the creator himself admitted that he was basically phoning this comic in, so yeah MST3K rules for this one.
#6 Atomic Robo vol 3: One of the Patreon requested reviews and this was a good one. This episode is what inspired me to purchase the Everything Explodes Collection and I've never looked back. Atomic Robo is everything comics should be, likable characters, funny clever dialogue and pure high concept goodness. I mean the first volume has Robo fighting against Giant Ants, Nazi AT-ST Walkers and even some sad moments, my personal favorite scene so far in Atomic Robo is the last page from Issue 1 where a reporter is asking Robo what he considers the hardest part of his life, his response. “The hardest part is that I’m 83 years old. I do a great Jack Benny, but no one really gets it anymore.” If you haven't picked up this series yet, do so, you will not regret it, also be sure to pick up the three collections since it'll save you money and space and well, we all like that don't we?
#5 Warrior #1
Sometimes when writing a review jokes just come naturally when given the right material, and by god does this deliver, now to get foked; juice up on jetjack and jack a track through the list.
#4 DeadPool Bi Annual #1: What else can I say about Brute Force that hasn't been said? When I heard this comic was coming I picked it up and love it. I mean we have Brute Force, one of the best ideas that never came to fruition and Deadpool one of the most powerful and popular characters in the Marvel universe, put these together and we have pure joy. Now as far as I know Brute Force hasn't shown up since the comic but I'm sure that Marvel is just waiting for the right time. I also like this episode since this is most likely the only time we'll ever see Linkara review something involving Deadpool. Though we may see him again if Linkara decides to review "Deadpool kills the Marvel universe" or "Wade Wilsons War" but only time will tell. (Unless it already happened when you read this; in which case I retract my claim.) Now to wait until Deadpool Bi Annual #2 where he encounters Battle Fever J.
#3 All Star Batman and Robin #8: Now who didn't predict that ASBAR would be on this list? The only problem is which issue to choose, do I go with the one where Crazy Steve called Dick Greyson Age 12 retarded? Or perhaps the issue where we're introduced to the Justice Nutjobs and Bonkers Betty; who has murderous rage against any living being who committed the unspeakable crime of being born with a Y chromosome who can only be quelled out of her rampage by SuperDAMN sticking his tongue down her throat? Maybe the issue where Dick Greyson age 12 nearly kills Jocko Boy with a Battle Axe?
Perhaps the issue where Steve and Dick Greyson Age 12 try to defeat Green Lantern by wearing Yellow Face? Nope I decided to go with the issue were Frank Millar screwed up the Joker, the one Batman villain that is nearly impossible to screw up. Yet he did, he made the Joker unfunny, had him say he wasn't funny and only kills people out of some demented sense of love. Yet as bad as the Joker was here Steve was just as bad, rambling in his own head about how much of a fucking retard fag Hal Jordon is.
As for Steve it's always been my head cannon that in this universe after Batman Year One (remember Miller says that this story is cannon with Batman Year One and TDKR; sure Franky sure I'll play along) Marik from Yu-gi-oh abridged somehow managed to trick Bruce Wayne into legally changing his name to Steve and took control of his mind. But then Melvin his evil imaginary friend took over again and now he's the puppet master behind the lunatic who seems to get hard while beating the shit out of cops, setting people on fire, acting like a petulant child when someone doesn't think their naming conventions are sound, calls traumatized children retarded, forces said child to eat cave rats in his dark damp cave filled with various weapons and wants to take over the world by stealing Green Lanterns ring. Yeah that sounds about right.
#2 Gokaiger eps 1-5
Now who didn't see this coming? Call me bias but hey Gokaiger was my very first Super Sentai series and it's a damn good one, it's basically my equivalent of the Technus Imperative; it showcased the previous Sentai teams which in turn inspired me to check out their series to see how they developed as heroes, the villains they fought and the struggles the 34 previous teams overcame to show how they passed that on to the Gokaigers. I knew that he was going to say that Gokaiger is far better then Power Rangers Megaforce, but then again there are very few worse pieces of media that are worse then Megaforce. I was expecting pretty much what he gave us in the Zyuranger review, he checks out a few episodes, makes some jokes and off we go and I got exactly what I expected. I know that at the end of the day Power Rangers always will take priority with him and I'm totally cool with that, but when he has to do reviews of certain Sentai series due to Patreon I'm not going to start complaining either, as long as we get something entertaining who really cares?
Here are the runners up, in no particular order.
Doom 2099
Sounds like a great setting for a story and I may check it out, mostly because I want to see if 2099 Doom is who he says he is. Though personally Doom just seems like a pretty interesting character and now that he's in the future and no longer having to deal with Reed Richards the worlds smartest dumbass he can just go nuts.
Bill and Ted's Excellent Comic
Who doesn't love the exploits of Bill S Preston Esq and Ted Theodore Logan? This gave us Medieval Shadows who escaped the midnight channel trying to kill our most Sterling Rockers and also the drinking buddy of Mr Computer, The Time Thumb. Still can't wait when Linkara decides to review more of the mini series, be more interesting and enjoyable then Sci-Spy that's for sure.
Us 1 #5
The most recent of these reviews I admit, but you really can't top an Alien who speaks in CB Radio slang. Though I wouldn't be surprised if later US fights against a robot trucker or he himself becomes a full fledged cyborg.
Detective Comics #38
Speaking of murderous incarnations of Batman and Robin we have how Dick Greyson Age 12 became the Boy Wonder. America's funniest circus accidents, kicking Gangsters off of construction sites and a mobster who smokes like a chimney. Yeah the golden age can get kind of blood thirsty.
Raver #1
It's like if a Dingo Pictures movie was given HK subtitles, they're saying words but we sure as hell can't understand what they're talking about. The dialogue is random, the setting is unexplained and I'm betting Walter Koenig was writing this when he was looking for the Nuclear Wessels and the radiation got to him.
Comic Book Quickies #1
A fine first episode of this series of reviews that give me a good weapon against overzealous Star Wars fans. If someone tries to discredit my Pop Culture lover card because I don't care about Star Wars all I have to do is tell them exactly why Jedi aren't allowed to fall in love. And since Disney chucked out the AU which apparently featured a part where Luke revoked that rule when he rebuilt the order this is technically still cannon. So HA!
Superman's Christmas Adventure
Golden Age Superman spent his Christmas protecting Santa from Dr Grouch and Mr Meany's attempts to destroy Christmas because they had bad Christmas' when they were kids. Wha? Also Elves with Cattle prods.
Captain Electron
An Outdated comic from a shut down scummy institute that gave us the unholy demon known only as Mr Computer. Who I am certain is Kyubey and Mr Popo's IT guy.
Captain Tax Time
The premise is insane and is just one of those comics that is just a good old fashioned joke gold mine; I mean if you can't make a joke out of a finance minister literally turning into a demon when he tries to push a new tax and is stopped by a dude with a sock on his head and his cyborg ninja sidekick then you need to go back to watching some real comedies.
Superman Meets the Quik Bunny
The Quick Bunny is apparently The Master who's going through a reallllly bad regeneration so he's tricked some kids to help him make a new Tardas. And as a sign of good will (as well as to maintain a good cover) he decides to help his child laborers hinder I mean help Superman stop the Weather Wizard.
Spider-Man Power and Responsibility
The very start of the clone saga where Linkara gave us a more detailed explanation of what lead up to the Clone Saga, though for a far more in depth account look up the "Life Of Reilly" essay he mentioned once or twice. Though we were also introduced to the American Narutaki himself, Judas Traveler, who was the focus instead of the drama of Spiderman coming face to face with his clone who was long thought to be dead since the 70's on top of all the recent crap in his life. Because why focus on character conflict when we can have a dumbass psychologist, his random stooges and his contradictory experiments?
Marvel Team up #74
Spider Man teaming up with the second original cast of NBC'S Saturday Night, need I say more?
Superman #701
I would have put this on the list proper but the list is over there and over there has to learn how to stand on its own.
Top 15 Worst Moments of Countdown
The first time Linkara tried to cover 50 or so issues in the span of 2 weeks, and every issue is worse then the last. Bob the Monitor and his band of morons screwing up the multiverse faster then Saya and the Luteces on holiday, Monarch trying to rise an army to conquer the multiverse, Supermangina Prime comes back, kills an entire world and tortures Mr Mxyzptlk till he pukes. But to top it all off Darksied just plays with his action figures doing jack all. Countdown, a series so bad that not even Reiji and Xiaomu, Decade, Booster Gold and every version of The Doctor combined couldn't fix the mess left in its wake.
Southland Tales
Would have made it on the list but I'm not counting movie reviews, believe me I wanted to because the plot is some of the most batshit insane nonsense unleashed on the mass public. But apparently the comic book "prequel" was even more insane and pretentious. And since The Rock stared in it this is another piece of evidence in my theory that if your movie involves a Wrestler then 9 times out of 10; it's going to suck. But it doesn't even come close to sucking as hard as the topic of the #1 episode of Atop the 4th Wall.
#1 Marville #4
Of all the comics, of all the mini series he's covered on this show; nothing so far has made me laugh my ass off then when we traveled into the magical land of Marville. But the question dawned on me, which issue is the most hilarious of the bunch? The first two issues were already insane as a bad parody of the comic book industry with issue 1 having Ted Turner karate chopping a meteor then creating a time machine out of PS1 parts. Issue 2 had Rush Limbaugh pacifying Iron Man, Black Panther and Batman with his magical golden megaphone and Spike Lee turning out to be the Kingpin. But it was issue 3 where the drugs really started to set in and we saw the unholy madness of Bill Jemas.
For some ungodly reason known only to Bill he took Marville and changed it from a bad parody comic to his own personal Soap Box where he could proclaim how little he knew about science, history and religion. Issue 3 told us about how we should all be angry about the trillions of molecules that died to form us. But then we get to issue 4 where the madness flows like wine down Linkaras mouth after reading these fucking comics. First Al, Lucy, Mickey and Jack grab some cells from the water, set the time machine to "fast forward" until the cells evolved into a talking Jewish Duckbill named Snorts who shows them his tribe who he has never meet since, you know he was born in the time machine. Al is surprised to learn that the dinosaurs will be killed off by an asteroid, and they try to pull the "Ape does not kill ape" crap.
Yeah guess what? Animals kill members of their own species all the time!!! Linkara gives some examples and the comments give some more but here's a nugget of wisdom for free. You know how waterfowls reproduce? Rape, this article shows why it is that waterfowls (specifically ducks) rape to reproduce.
This even highlights a case where a female duck was being chased and nearly forced into copulation with 39 male ducks. I could go on about how this comic is full of it and how Bill should probably be bouncing around in a padded cell instead of starting his own indie publisher, but yeah on to why I love this episode. Linkaras reactions to the madness on display was pure gold, there is just so much to make fun of and probably more he skipped so as not to make each review as long as Peter Jackson's Tolkien movies uncut with all of the behind the scenes commentary but what we were shown was more then enough. The cherry on top was the ending where he just screamed Whyyyyyyyy then crawled into a bottle of absinthe until he woke up next to the Waco kid in Sherif Bart's jail cell.
Thus my top 15 favorite episodes of AT4W, do you agree with my list? If not then leave your own list of your favorite episodes in the comment section and be sure to congratulate Lewis for 400 episodes and wish him 400 more.
All Rights go to their original owners.
For those who missed part 1 here you are and now off we go.
#8 Justice League Cry for Justice # 5, 6 and 7: Ah Cry for Justice, the first review of Linkaras where I saw pure, genuine rage. Now I know he exploded when he talked about the infamous moment in One More Day during his Top 15 comics he'd never review video. (Though he actually did review entries from that list and I'm still waiting for when he talks about Sonichu pulling his biggest boner about Wendy's haunted vagina. This horrible mental image has been brought to you by Nextwave now with an army of tap-dancing hedgehogs.) But yeah when he got to the part where Leanne was killed, I honestly felt uncomfortable when he called the comic exploitive, badly written trash.
However hindsight is funny, because thanks to Convergence we see that Leanne was somehow brought back to live for Pre New 52 Roy and he's clearly no longer listening to her zombie ghost telling him to do China Cat. So while Cry for Justice is now completely null and void it's still an aggravating little mini series that James Robinson would wish to completely forget ever happened. So all we're left with is a mini series with beautiful artwork (for the most part) being wasted on Prometheus walking through a bunch of dumbass versions of heroes like he was a villain in a Shouji Yonamura Kamen Rider Movie. Actually this really is like Kamen Rider Taisen, our supposed heroes are idiots, a group of them commit horrible and unethical acts they would never do, the villains plan makes no sense but just kicks their asses by sneezing on them, and a lot of potential is squandered. Though speaking of Roy Harper, when will Linkara finally review "Fall of Green Arrow"?
#7 Mightily Murdered Power Ringers #1: Right on the heels of NBComics came something that gave me a certain embarrassing sense of laughter that I would only rediscover later when I saw Akibaranger, specifically a certain episode during season 2.
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Good lord not even Rob Liefeld would go that far!!! |
#6 Atomic Robo vol 3: One of the Patreon requested reviews and this was a good one. This episode is what inspired me to purchase the Everything Explodes Collection and I've never looked back. Atomic Robo is everything comics should be, likable characters, funny clever dialogue and pure high concept goodness. I mean the first volume has Robo fighting against Giant Ants, Nazi AT-ST Walkers and even some sad moments, my personal favorite scene so far in Atomic Robo is the last page from Issue 1 where a reporter is asking Robo what he considers the hardest part of his life, his response. “The hardest part is that I’m 83 years old. I do a great Jack Benny, but no one really gets it anymore.” If you haven't picked up this series yet, do so, you will not regret it, also be sure to pick up the three collections since it'll save you money and space and well, we all like that don't we?
#5 Warrior #1
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when you're making these guys look like they have a more realistic body structure, go back to art school immediately!!! |
#4 DeadPool Bi Annual #1: What else can I say about Brute Force that hasn't been said? When I heard this comic was coming I picked it up and love it. I mean we have Brute Force, one of the best ideas that never came to fruition and Deadpool one of the most powerful and popular characters in the Marvel universe, put these together and we have pure joy. Now as far as I know Brute Force hasn't shown up since the comic but I'm sure that Marvel is just waiting for the right time. I also like this episode since this is most likely the only time we'll ever see Linkara review something involving Deadpool. Though we may see him again if Linkara decides to review "Deadpool kills the Marvel universe" or "Wade Wilsons War" but only time will tell. (Unless it already happened when you read this; in which case I retract my claim.) Now to wait until Deadpool Bi Annual #2 where he encounters Battle Fever J.
#3 All Star Batman and Robin #8: Now who didn't predict that ASBAR would be on this list? The only problem is which issue to choose, do I go with the one where Crazy Steve called Dick Greyson Age 12 retarded? Or perhaps the issue where we're introduced to the Justice Nutjobs and Bonkers Betty; who has murderous rage against any living being who committed the unspeakable crime of being born with a Y chromosome who can only be quelled out of her rampage by SuperDAMN sticking his tongue down her throat? Maybe the issue where Dick Greyson age 12 nearly kills Jocko Boy with a Battle Axe?
Perhaps the issue where Steve and Dick Greyson Age 12 try to defeat Green Lantern by wearing Yellow Face? Nope I decided to go with the issue were Frank Millar screwed up the Joker, the one Batman villain that is nearly impossible to screw up. Yet he did, he made the Joker unfunny, had him say he wasn't funny and only kills people out of some demented sense of love. Yet as bad as the Joker was here Steve was just as bad, rambling in his own head about how much of a fucking retard fag Hal Jordon is.
As for Steve it's always been my head cannon that in this universe after Batman Year One (remember Miller says that this story is cannon with Batman Year One and TDKR; sure Franky sure I'll play along) Marik from Yu-gi-oh abridged somehow managed to trick Bruce Wayne into legally changing his name to Steve and took control of his mind. But then Melvin his evil imaginary friend took over again and now he's the puppet master behind the lunatic who seems to get hard while beating the shit out of cops, setting people on fire, acting like a petulant child when someone doesn't think their naming conventions are sound, calls traumatized children retarded, forces said child to eat cave rats in his dark damp cave filled with various weapons and wants to take over the world by stealing Green Lanterns ring. Yeah that sounds about right.
#2 Gokaiger eps 1-5
Now who didn't see this coming? Call me bias but hey Gokaiger was my very first Super Sentai series and it's a damn good one, it's basically my equivalent of the Technus Imperative; it showcased the previous Sentai teams which in turn inspired me to check out their series to see how they developed as heroes, the villains they fought and the struggles the 34 previous teams overcame to show how they passed that on to the Gokaigers. I knew that he was going to say that Gokaiger is far better then Power Rangers Megaforce, but then again there are very few worse pieces of media that are worse then Megaforce. I was expecting pretty much what he gave us in the Zyuranger review, he checks out a few episodes, makes some jokes and off we go and I got exactly what I expected. I know that at the end of the day Power Rangers always will take priority with him and I'm totally cool with that, but when he has to do reviews of certain Sentai series due to Patreon I'm not going to start complaining either, as long as we get something entertaining who really cares?
Here are the runners up, in no particular order.
Doom 2099
Sounds like a great setting for a story and I may check it out, mostly because I want to see if 2099 Doom is who he says he is. Though personally Doom just seems like a pretty interesting character and now that he's in the future and no longer having to deal with Reed Richards the worlds smartest dumbass he can just go nuts.
Bill and Ted's Excellent Comic
Who doesn't love the exploits of Bill S Preston Esq and Ted Theodore Logan? This gave us Medieval Shadows who escaped the midnight channel trying to kill our most Sterling Rockers and also the drinking buddy of Mr Computer, The Time Thumb. Still can't wait when Linkara decides to review more of the mini series, be more interesting and enjoyable then Sci-Spy that's for sure.
Us 1 #5
The most recent of these reviews I admit, but you really can't top an Alien who speaks in CB Radio slang. Though I wouldn't be surprised if later US fights against a robot trucker or he himself becomes a full fledged cyborg.
Detective Comics #38
Speaking of murderous incarnations of Batman and Robin we have how Dick Greyson Age 12 became the Boy Wonder. America's funniest circus accidents, kicking Gangsters off of construction sites and a mobster who smokes like a chimney. Yeah the golden age can get kind of blood thirsty.
Raver #1
It's like if a Dingo Pictures movie was given HK subtitles, they're saying words but we sure as hell can't understand what they're talking about. The dialogue is random, the setting is unexplained and I'm betting Walter Koenig was writing this when he was looking for the Nuclear Wessels and the radiation got to him.
Comic Book Quickies #1
A fine first episode of this series of reviews that give me a good weapon against overzealous Star Wars fans. If someone tries to discredit my Pop Culture lover card because I don't care about Star Wars all I have to do is tell them exactly why Jedi aren't allowed to fall in love. And since Disney chucked out the AU which apparently featured a part where Luke revoked that rule when he rebuilt the order this is technically still cannon. So HA!
Superman's Christmas Adventure
Golden Age Superman spent his Christmas protecting Santa from Dr Grouch and Mr Meany's attempts to destroy Christmas because they had bad Christmas' when they were kids. Wha? Also Elves with Cattle prods.
Captain Electron
An Outdated comic from a shut down scummy institute that gave us the unholy demon known only as Mr Computer. Who I am certain is Kyubey and Mr Popo's IT guy.
Captain Tax Time
The premise is insane and is just one of those comics that is just a good old fashioned joke gold mine; I mean if you can't make a joke out of a finance minister literally turning into a demon when he tries to push a new tax and is stopped by a dude with a sock on his head and his cyborg ninja sidekick then you need to go back to watching some real comedies.
Superman Meets the Quik Bunny
The Quick Bunny is apparently The Master who's going through a reallllly bad regeneration so he's tricked some kids to help him make a new Tardas. And as a sign of good will (as well as to maintain a good cover) he decides to help his child laborers hinder I mean help Superman stop the Weather Wizard.
Spider-Man Power and Responsibility
The very start of the clone saga where Linkara gave us a more detailed explanation of what lead up to the Clone Saga, though for a far more in depth account look up the "Life Of Reilly" essay he mentioned once or twice. Though we were also introduced to the American Narutaki himself, Judas Traveler, who was the focus instead of the drama of Spiderman coming face to face with his clone who was long thought to be dead since the 70's on top of all the recent crap in his life. Because why focus on character conflict when we can have a dumbass psychologist, his random stooges and his contradictory experiments?
Marvel Team up #74
Spider Man teaming up with the second original cast of NBC'S Saturday Night, need I say more?
Superman #701
I would have put this on the list proper but the list is over there and over there has to learn how to stand on its own.
Top 15 Worst Moments of Countdown
The first time Linkara tried to cover 50 or so issues in the span of 2 weeks, and every issue is worse then the last. Bob the Monitor and his band of morons screwing up the multiverse faster then Saya and the Luteces on holiday, Monarch trying to rise an army to conquer the multiverse, Supermangina Prime comes back, kills an entire world and tortures Mr Mxyzptlk till he pukes. But to top it all off Darksied just plays with his action figures doing jack all. Countdown, a series so bad that not even Reiji and Xiaomu, Decade, Booster Gold and every version of The Doctor combined couldn't fix the mess left in its wake.
Southland Tales
Would have made it on the list but I'm not counting movie reviews, believe me I wanted to because the plot is some of the most batshit insane nonsense unleashed on the mass public. But apparently the comic book "prequel" was even more insane and pretentious. And since The Rock stared in it this is another piece of evidence in my theory that if your movie involves a Wrestler then 9 times out of 10; it's going to suck. But it doesn't even come close to sucking as hard as the topic of the #1 episode of Atop the 4th Wall.
#1 Marville #4
Of all the comics, of all the mini series he's covered on this show; nothing so far has made me laugh my ass off then when we traveled into the magical land of Marville. But the question dawned on me, which issue is the most hilarious of the bunch? The first two issues were already insane as a bad parody of the comic book industry with issue 1 having Ted Turner karate chopping a meteor then creating a time machine out of PS1 parts. Issue 2 had Rush Limbaugh pacifying Iron Man, Black Panther and Batman with his magical golden megaphone and Spike Lee turning out to be the Kingpin. But it was issue 3 where the drugs really started to set in and we saw the unholy madness of Bill Jemas.
For some ungodly reason known only to Bill he took Marville and changed it from a bad parody comic to his own personal Soap Box where he could proclaim how little he knew about science, history and religion. Issue 3 told us about how we should all be angry about the trillions of molecules that died to form us. But then we get to issue 4 where the madness flows like wine down Linkaras mouth after reading these fucking comics. First Al, Lucy, Mickey and Jack grab some cells from the water, set the time machine to "fast forward" until the cells evolved into a talking Jewish Duckbill named Snorts who shows them his tribe who he has never meet since, you know he was born in the time machine. Al is surprised to learn that the dinosaurs will be killed off by an asteroid, and they try to pull the "Ape does not kill ape" crap.
Yeah guess what? Animals kill members of their own species all the time!!! Linkara gives some examples and the comments give some more but here's a nugget of wisdom for free. You know how waterfowls reproduce? Rape, this article shows why it is that waterfowls (specifically ducks) rape to reproduce.
This even highlights a case where a female duck was being chased and nearly forced into copulation with 39 male ducks. I could go on about how this comic is full of it and how Bill should probably be bouncing around in a padded cell instead of starting his own indie publisher, but yeah on to why I love this episode. Linkaras reactions to the madness on display was pure gold, there is just so much to make fun of and probably more he skipped so as not to make each review as long as Peter Jackson's Tolkien movies uncut with all of the behind the scenes commentary but what we were shown was more then enough. The cherry on top was the ending where he just screamed Whyyyyyyyy then crawled into a bottle of absinthe until he woke up next to the Waco kid in Sherif Bart's jail cell.
Thus my top 15 favorite episodes of AT4W, do you agree with my list? If not then leave your own list of your favorite episodes in the comment section and be sure to congratulate Lewis for 400 episodes and wish him 400 more.
All Rights go to their original owners.
Sunday, June 12, 2016
Let´s Play Back To The Future The Game episode 3 part 1: Now they're at least 1 hour.
Please be sure to read, comment, spread the links, re-tweet and follow me on Twitter @OnDavidsBrain! and support me on Patreon.
Yes folks my Let´s Plays from the PS4 are going to be hour length from now on. From here we see the nightmare unleashed by Citizen Brown and how Marty plans to stop it.
For more content follow me on Twitter, Facebook and support my Patreon page at
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Back to the Future is owned by Robbert Zebecks, Bob Gale, Stephen Spielberg, Ambling Entertainment and Universal Studios.
Yes folks my Let´s Plays from the PS4 are going to be hour length from now on. From here we see the nightmare unleashed by Citizen Brown and how Marty plans to stop it.
For more content follow me on Twitter, Facebook and support my Patreon page at
Also check out
Back to the Future is owned by Robbert Zebecks, Bob Gale, Stephen Spielberg, Ambling Entertainment and Universal Studios.
Saturday, June 11, 2016
Let´s Play Back to the Future: The Game episode 2 part 9 and 10: Double feature takedown.
Please be sure to read, comment, spread the links, re-tweet and follow me on Twitter @OnDavidsBrain! and support me on Patreon.
We finally get Tannen up the river but he has a gunship and he's not going down without a fight.
We finally beat Kid Tannen and the day is saved, now to go see Frankenstein and unwind. For more content follow me on Twitter, Facebook and support my Patreon page at
Also check out
Back to the Future is owned by Robbert Zebecks, Bob Gale, Stephen Spielberg, Ambling Entertainment and Universal Studios.
We finally get Tannen up the river but he has a gunship and he's not going down without a fight.
We finally beat Kid Tannen and the day is saved, now to go see Frankenstein and unwind. For more content follow me on Twitter, Facebook and support my Patreon page at
Also check out
Back to the Future is owned by Robbert Zebecks, Bob Gale, Stephen Spielberg, Ambling Entertainment and Universal Studios.
Friday, June 10, 2016
Let´s Play Back to the Future: The Game episode 2 part 8: Look who just made the wall?
Please be sure to read, comment, spread the links, re-tweet and follow me on Twitter @OnDavidsBrain! and support me on Patreon.
As usual something goes wrong with Arty and we have to get Trixie back on track. For more content follow me on Twitter, Facebook and support my Patreon page at
Also check out
Back to the Future is owned by Robbert Zebecks, Bob Gale, Stephen Spielberg, Ambling Entertainment and Universal Studios.
As usual something goes wrong with Arty and we have to get Trixie back on track. For more content follow me on Twitter, Facebook and support my Patreon page at
Also check out
Back to the Future is owned by Robbert Zebecks, Bob Gale, Stephen Spielberg, Ambling Entertainment and Universal Studios.
Thursday, June 9, 2016
Let´s Play Back to the Future: The Game episode 2 part 7: What a swell guy.
Please be sure to read, comment, spread the links, re-tweet and follow me on Twitter @OnDavidsBrain! and support me on Patreon.
Harry "Dangerfield" Callahan, enforcer for the mob. For more content follow me on Twitter, Facebook and support my Patreon page at
Also check out
Back to the Future is owned by Robbert Zebecks, Bob Gale, Stephen Spielberg, Ambling Entertainment and Universal Studios.
Harry "Dangerfield" Callahan, enforcer for the mob. For more content follow me on Twitter, Facebook and support my Patreon page at
Also check out
Back to the Future is owned by Robbert Zebecks, Bob Gale, Stephen Spielberg, Ambling Entertainment and Universal Studios.
Wednesday, June 8, 2016
Let´s Play Back to the Future: The Game episode 2 part 6: Being Parkerka is suffering.
Please be sure to read, comment, spread the links, re-tweet and follow me on Twitter @OnDavidsBrain! and support me on Patreon.
We need to get THIS goon dried out? What I wouldn't give for some of Chester's wake up juice. For more content follow me on Twitter, Facebook and support my Patreon page at
Also check out
Back to the Future is owned by Robbert Zebecks, Bob Gale, Stephen Spielberg, Ambling Entertainment and Universal Studios.
We need to get THIS goon dried out? What I wouldn't give for some of Chester's wake up juice. For more content follow me on Twitter, Facebook and support my Patreon page at
Also check out
Back to the Future is owned by Robbert Zebecks, Bob Gale, Stephen Spielberg, Ambling Entertainment and Universal Studios.
Tuesday, June 7, 2016
Let´s Play Back to the Future: The Game episode 2 part 4 & 5: Double Feature!
Please be sure to read, comment, spread the links, re-tweet and follow me on Twitter @OnDavidsBrain! and support me on Patreon.
I didn't know Tsunderes existed in 1931.
Some people do crazy things when they're young. Also Edna, NEVER SING AGAIN YOU DEMON!!! For more content follow me on Twitter, Facebook and support my Patreon page at
Also check out
Back to the Future is owned by Robbert Zebecks, Bob Gale, Stephen Spielberg, Ambling Entertainment and Universal Studios.
I didn't know Tsunderes existed in 1931.
Some people do crazy things when they're young. Also Edna, NEVER SING AGAIN YOU DEMON!!! For more content follow me on Twitter, Facebook and support my Patreon page at
Also check out
Back to the Future is owned by Robbert Zebecks, Bob Gale, Stephen Spielberg, Ambling Entertainment and Universal Studios.
Monday, June 6, 2016
Personal Post: Top 15 favorite Episodes of AT4W Part 1: Welcome to the madness.
Please be sure to read, comment, spread the links, re-tweet and follow me on Twitter @OnDavidsBrain! and support me on Patreon.
400 episodes people, and I have to sort through all of them to find my current 15 favorite episodes. Well I've done crazier things so let's get started. Now there will be some rules here, I can only choose one episode if Linkara reviewed multiple issues of a story or comic, so no all the reviews of Marville or ASBAR won't be clogging the top spots. I have to include at least one episode from each year of the show just to show the diversity and hopefully shine some light on some old gems. Also I have to explain why I liked the episode. So let's get started.
#15 Superman at Earths End Have to give it up for a true classic of a review that gave us Linkara's catch phrase, introduced the list of dumbest plans to take over the world starting with the milestone of Twin Clones of Hitler, Bearded Idiot, as well as the excuse to review its prequel of Kamandi of the North Star. Though yeah the notoriety of this episode is why it got on the list, because if you've seen this episode and then the newest it really does show how far he's come since that day. It's never easy to look back on old work, especially when it's something this stupid.
#14 Bimbos In Time Ah yet another seminal classic for the show, what he considers one of the worst comics of all time. Though since the creators themselves admitted that their poor quality was intentional that honor is dubious at best. Other then that the artwork is amateurish, the characters were so flat they can't even have a dimension to them and random out of place cameos from people fictional or otherwise. It's like if Sly 4 was really, really stupid, and I mean dumber then it already is but that's an issue for another day but if you're a fan of the Sly games and have played Sly 4, then you probably know what I'm talking about.
#13 Transformers #4-5 This was the very first episode of At4W that really got me interested in the show, mostly because Transformers. Either this or Ewoks #9 or the California Raisins comic were my very first ones but this was my first one I remember watching. This episode showed us the scummy practices of Pat Lee, his horrible inconsistent character proportions as well his trademark face for robots.
Sometimes it takes something that you're familiar with to lure you into something brand new and awesome. Examples include Kingdom Hearts, Project X Zone and of course a D list internet Celebrity reviewing a transformers comic, also my favorite series is Beast Wars and I am forever grateful that Bay hasn't gotten his claws on that series yet. Though I'd still take the embezzling weasel then the pyromaniac man child anyway of the week.
#12 The Invincible 4 of Kung Fu and Ninja: Oh lord this review, aside from it being a knock off of a much better and well regarded artist and writer it also had translations that are just barely better then most HK subs. Though the main reason why this makes the list is because this review inadvertently introduced me to Team Four Star when Linkara did the Krillin owned joke in the episode. But yeah rocket nipples and Krillin wanting Barbecue, good times. Though I'm still waiting for when we tackle that series again.
#11 Tandy Computer Wiz Kids: A deadly choice: Yet another classic staple of the show, making fun of outdated advertisements for computers that feature a class consisting of proto Patty Hearsts being indoctrinated with Anti drug pamphlets and Tandy instruction manuals. So why this episode in particular instead of say the one where these twerps have to help Superman stop Major Dumbass? Well three reasons, one this is where the shoe dropped that the Wiz Kids are stuck in a time loop where every day is their first day back from Summer Vacation. Thus my head cannon for the wiz kids comics is that this is the American comic book equivalent of Endless Eight.
Let me drop this beat and see if you can keep up; Haruhi Suzumiya was doing research on American color computers in the 80's and wound up watching a boring anti-drug PSA online to the point where she got so bored she wondered who would honestly listen to this crap at face value. So she unknowingly created an alternate universe where these comics take place in and since she was so damn bored that might explain Superman, Supergirl, Wonder Woman, Popeye and Duke Nukem's surprise cameos. Speaking of surprises this brings me to my second reason why this is my favorite Wiz Kids review, because Linkara made a Madoka Magica reference. Yeah first time I heard that I had to rewind the video to make sure I heard that right and when I did I was like
and three; the premise of the issue was of Ms Wilson, the worst teacher ever who seriously needs to be fired out of a cannon puts these brainwashed brats in charge of a drug prevention hotline, yes she was in fact sober during these events and no she was not fired for this stupid idea nor did she put anyone over the age of 18 in a supervision position over them. Just.... mother. Now for me to sit and wait until Linkara reviews a Madoka Manga, now this could be through a Patreon request, or he could find one that's genuinely bad, my best guess would be Oriko Magica, not only for the honestly bad artwork but also for this character,
Do a little research or read the manga and you'll find out why. I mean at least Crazy Steve is hilarious in his insanity and The Fixer is just Frank Miller's racist ramblings given physical form but Yuma's mother, she got what she deserved in the first chapter.
#10 Batman Fortunate Son: Moving on to much lighter topics we have the introduction of yet another running gag of the show, Batman's everlasting hatred of Rock and Roll. This introduced us to the mad ramblings of Izzak Crowe, over privileged dumbass rocker who blows up buildings full of people, incites riots and has hallucinations of Elvis telling him to blow up Mc Donalds because he didn't come from a "real place" so his music doesn't have "the struggle" behind it. Now I get what they were trying to go for here since Crowe poop here is supposed to be a stand in for Kirt Cobain and apparently how he died, but great balls of fire was the execution stupid as hell. This was also one of the best uses of the Superboy-Prime voice because Crowe's actions and ramblings were just that insufferable. This also leads us to Batman where because his dad told him not to listen to rock and roll on the night were Bruce touched his dead mothers' breast and since he encountered a Sid Vicious stand in who killed his girlfriend he believes that Rock and roll must be destroyed at all costs, which also lead to this infamous line.
Though I love the irony of when he was researching everything about Rock and roll in 6 hours (seriously) he memorized the lyrics of "I am the Walrus" not only because hearing Batman say "Pigs from a gun" is insane in and of itself but also those lyrics were meant to not make any sense, yet here's Batman, the worlds greatest detective researching nonsense lyrics to try to make sense of a madmans drug induced ravings, the irony is delectable. Yet apparently this was all made as an honest tribute to rock and roll, which may be the most insane thing about this comic, yet the creators of this thing did a much better follow up in Batman Jazz then this garbage. So Artichoke mayonnaise ripping into peanuts dancing with the silver bake king.
#9 The Adventures of Jell-O Man and Wobbly: If you thought that Adventures of the Kool-Aid Man and Superman meets the Quick Bunny were too grounded and logical here comes Jell-O Man and Wobbly! This gave us one of Linkara's best freak outs and just the shear WTF of this comic was too much for me to ignore. Plus apparently Jell-O man was the one who taught Ms Fortune of SkullGirls his fighting style. But given how crazy that game is would anyone be surprised that someone was taught fighting skills from a walking talking desert?
Well that's it for part one part two is on its way soon, but first I need a lot more time and a lot of booze to get through some of the madness Linkara unleashed from those comics.
Batman is owned by Bob Kane, Bill Finger, DC Comics and Warner Brothers.
Puella Magi Oriko Magica is owned by Magica Quartet, Yen Press, Kuroe Mura and Houbunsha.
Mystery Science Theater 3000 is owned by Joel Hodgson, Best Brains, Syfy, Comedy Central and Shout Factory.
The Thing (1982) is owned by John Carpenter, Universal Pictures and Truman Foster Company.
400 episodes people, and I have to sort through all of them to find my current 15 favorite episodes. Well I've done crazier things so let's get started. Now there will be some rules here, I can only choose one episode if Linkara reviewed multiple issues of a story or comic, so no all the reviews of Marville or ASBAR won't be clogging the top spots. I have to include at least one episode from each year of the show just to show the diversity and hopefully shine some light on some old gems. Also I have to explain why I liked the episode. So let's get started.
#15 Superman at Earths End Have to give it up for a true classic of a review that gave us Linkara's catch phrase, introduced the list of dumbest plans to take over the world starting with the milestone of Twin Clones of Hitler, Bearded Idiot, as well as the excuse to review its prequel of Kamandi of the North Star. Though yeah the notoriety of this episode is why it got on the list, because if you've seen this episode and then the newest it really does show how far he's come since that day. It's never easy to look back on old work, especially when it's something this stupid.
#14 Bimbos In Time Ah yet another seminal classic for the show, what he considers one of the worst comics of all time. Though since the creators themselves admitted that their poor quality was intentional that honor is dubious at best. Other then that the artwork is amateurish, the characters were so flat they can't even have a dimension to them and random out of place cameos from people fictional or otherwise. It's like if Sly 4 was really, really stupid, and I mean dumber then it already is but that's an issue for another day but if you're a fan of the Sly games and have played Sly 4, then you probably know what I'm talking about.
#13 Transformers #4-5 This was the very first episode of At4W that really got me interested in the show, mostly because Transformers. Either this or Ewoks #9 or the California Raisins comic were my very first ones but this was my first one I remember watching. This episode showed us the scummy practices of Pat Lee, his horrible inconsistent character proportions as well his trademark face for robots.
Sometimes it takes something that you're familiar with to lure you into something brand new and awesome. Examples include Kingdom Hearts, Project X Zone and of course a D list internet Celebrity reviewing a transformers comic, also my favorite series is Beast Wars and I am forever grateful that Bay hasn't gotten his claws on that series yet. Though I'd still take the embezzling weasel then the pyromaniac man child anyway of the week.
#12 The Invincible 4 of Kung Fu and Ninja: Oh lord this review, aside from it being a knock off of a much better and well regarded artist and writer it also had translations that are just barely better then most HK subs. Though the main reason why this makes the list is because this review inadvertently introduced me to Team Four Star when Linkara did the Krillin owned joke in the episode. But yeah rocket nipples and Krillin wanting Barbecue, good times. Though I'm still waiting for when we tackle that series again.
#11 Tandy Computer Wiz Kids: A deadly choice: Yet another classic staple of the show, making fun of outdated advertisements for computers that feature a class consisting of proto Patty Hearsts being indoctrinated with Anti drug pamphlets and Tandy instruction manuals. So why this episode in particular instead of say the one where these twerps have to help Superman stop Major Dumbass? Well three reasons, one this is where the shoe dropped that the Wiz Kids are stuck in a time loop where every day is their first day back from Summer Vacation. Thus my head cannon for the wiz kids comics is that this is the American comic book equivalent of Endless Eight.
Let me drop this beat and see if you can keep up; Haruhi Suzumiya was doing research on American color computers in the 80's and wound up watching a boring anti-drug PSA online to the point where she got so bored she wondered who would honestly listen to this crap at face value. So she unknowingly created an alternate universe where these comics take place in and since she was so damn bored that might explain Superman, Supergirl, Wonder Woman, Popeye and Duke Nukem's surprise cameos. Speaking of surprises this brings me to my second reason why this is my favorite Wiz Kids review, because Linkara made a Madoka Magica reference. Yeah first time I heard that I had to rewind the video to make sure I heard that right and when I did I was like
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Not Yuma herself no no no, but her mother is honestly an even worse person then The Fixer or Crazy Steve. |
#10 Batman Fortunate Son: Moving on to much lighter topics we have the introduction of yet another running gag of the show, Batman's everlasting hatred of Rock and Roll. This introduced us to the mad ramblings of Izzak Crowe, over privileged dumbass rocker who blows up buildings full of people, incites riots and has hallucinations of Elvis telling him to blow up Mc Donalds because he didn't come from a "real place" so his music doesn't have "the struggle" behind it. Now I get what they were trying to go for here since Crowe poop here is supposed to be a stand in for Kirt Cobain and apparently how he died, but great balls of fire was the execution stupid as hell. This was also one of the best uses of the Superboy-Prime voice because Crowe's actions and ramblings were just that insufferable. This also leads us to Batman where because his dad told him not to listen to rock and roll on the night were Bruce touched his dead mothers' breast and since he encountered a Sid Vicious stand in who killed his girlfriend he believes that Rock and roll must be destroyed at all costs, which also lead to this infamous line.
Though I love the irony of when he was researching everything about Rock and roll in 6 hours (seriously) he memorized the lyrics of "I am the Walrus" not only because hearing Batman say "Pigs from a gun" is insane in and of itself but also those lyrics were meant to not make any sense, yet here's Batman, the worlds greatest detective researching nonsense lyrics to try to make sense of a madmans drug induced ravings, the irony is delectable. Yet apparently this was all made as an honest tribute to rock and roll, which may be the most insane thing about this comic, yet the creators of this thing did a much better follow up in Batman Jazz then this garbage. So Artichoke mayonnaise ripping into peanuts dancing with the silver bake king.
#9 The Adventures of Jell-O Man and Wobbly: If you thought that Adventures of the Kool-Aid Man and Superman meets the Quick Bunny were too grounded and logical here comes Jell-O Man and Wobbly! This gave us one of Linkara's best freak outs and just the shear WTF of this comic was too much for me to ignore. Plus apparently Jell-O man was the one who taught Ms Fortune of SkullGirls his fighting style. But given how crazy that game is would anyone be surprised that someone was taught fighting skills from a walking talking desert?
Well that's it for part one part two is on its way soon, but first I need a lot more time and a lot of booze to get through some of the madness Linkara unleashed from those comics.
Batman is owned by Bob Kane, Bill Finger, DC Comics and Warner Brothers.
Puella Magi Oriko Magica is owned by Magica Quartet, Yen Press, Kuroe Mura and Houbunsha.
Mystery Science Theater 3000 is owned by Joel Hodgson, Best Brains, Syfy, Comedy Central and Shout Factory.
The Thing (1982) is owned by John Carpenter, Universal Pictures and Truman Foster Company.
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