Saturday, February 24, 2018

Let's Play Bioshock 2 HD Part 6: Fontaine Futuristics

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 So now here we are, we've heard about this place ever since the first game, we've seen this in the "Hunting the Big Sister" demo and... it's just ok. Personally for me this level needed to be more dark, run down and have a much more foreboding atmosphere. Not have a crazy pink variant of the Great Gazoo annoying me and sending easily disposable Splicers if I break his precious toys. Also this is where the excess ammo really hits the gas because from this point on, nothing presents even the slightest bit of a challenge. Oh no wait, that's for the finale of the main campaign.

 As for Gil himself, how in the name of Ursula's fat-folds is letting him live the merciful option? I mean look at him!!! He's a giant mutant sea monster who's completely insane who can only live inside of a special sea life tank. I know that if we killed him Lamb could have smashed the tank and let her Little Sisters drain his corpse dry of all of that ADAM but come on! For the sake of the "Savior" play-through I let him live but just like with Stanley any other play though I put the poor bastard out of his misery.

Special thanks to my Patreon backer Jesse for his support.

Bioshock 2 is owned by Take2 interactive, 2K Marin, and 2K Australia.

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