Yep Marty gets slammed into 1955 and into the barn of Old Man Peabody, the man who previously owned the land the twin pines mall was built on. The crazy coot thinks Marty and the DeLorean are an alien and its spaceship respectively so he tries to shoot him. Marty manages to get away but not without crashing into one of Peabody's two pine trees. Marty then tries to get his barrings and starts to think it might all be a dream, but when he sees the developing site for his neighborhood he starts to realize that maybe when Doc says he built a Time Machine and saw it send Einstein one minute into the future and saw exactly how it works and has visual and audio evidence that maybe he actually did get sent back in time, way to come around butt-head.
He tires to start the Delorean but a combo of a lack of gas and Plutonium means it ain't going any where so he ditches the Hazmat suit and hides the Delorean behind the sign advertising the eventual neighborhood and walks to Hill Valley. After some culture shock and whatnot Marty makes it to the Cafe and finds Doc's address from the phone-book and takes the page with him. He then decides to take a break by having a drink when a familiar scene plays out, he sees the younger version of his father being bullied into finishing Biffs homework. After giving the future mayor of Hill Valley some valuable ideas he chases after George.
He catches up to him climbing a tree with a pair of binoculars and as his Mom and he will say he's bird watching. What he didn't tell her and by proxy Marty that he was specifically looking for a certain type of Bird.
Yep Marty is more then a little terrified by this situation, thankfully the sounds of his future Grandma calling for dinner breaks up the situation. After Marty gets the directions for Doc's place he makes tracks avoiding the lustful eyes of the teenage version of his mother.
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Well Doc I have a suggestion but it'll require a trip to New Jersey, a die hard fan of Edison and someone trained in hunting ghosts that doesn't operate out of a green van or works with a Great Dane. |
However when Doc asks if Marty has interacted with anyone that day he mentions that he met the past versions of his parents Doc asks to see the picture of Marty and his brother and Sister and sure enough Dave's head is gone. Since Marty saved George from being hit by Loraine's Dad's car she never fell in love with him; the two never got together and thus their children including Marty are being slowly erased from history. So now before he goes back home he has to make sure he exists first, that might be helpful. The next day the two stake out the high school and find George.... unfortunately. Marty tries to set George and Loraine up but she's only got eyes on Marty, Doc figures the two only got together in the first place due to the Florance Nightingale effect. So now they have to get the two together in a different way and thankfully Marty remembers that the two are supposed to kiss during the enchantment under the sea dance on the same night of the thunderstorm.
Tune in next time where we see Marty play Mr Match Maker.
Back to the Future is owned by Robbert Zemeckis, Bob Gale, Stephen Speilberg, Amblin Entertainment and Universal Studios.
Bioshock Infinite is owned by Ken Levine, Irrational Games, 2K Games amd Take-Two Interactive.
Dragon Ball, Dragonball Z and Dragonball GT is owned by Funnimation, Toei animation, Fuji TV and Akira Toriyama.
Dragonball Z abridged is owned by Team Four Star.
Ace Ventura Pet Detective is owned by Tom Shadyac, Morgan Creek Productions, and Warner Bothers Studios.
Kamen Rider is owned by Ishinomori Productions, Toei Productions, and Bandai.
Family Guy is owned by Seth Mcfarline, 20th century fox television, Fuzzy door Productions and Fox Television animation.
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