Monday, April 8, 2019

Lets Play Ni no Kuni™ II: Revenant Kingdom: Tale of a Timeless Tome Parts 9-10

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 Once Bugs has calmed down we begin the preparations for the final boss of this DLC's story. I took this beast on off camera and got my face kicked in so I knew that some training and new equipment was in order. Thankfully it paid off and with the Great Madshadow's defeat it looks like this is indeed the end of Ni no Kuni 2's DLC. I might be wrong but those extra pictures on Leafbook seem to be a pretty strong indicator. I could be wrong but I get the feeling that I might be right.

 If so then thank you Level 5 for a game that pretty much blows the first game out of the water while still giving us that Studio Ghibli magic. But I will still be trying to complete everything that this DLC has to offer of course. I just need myself a little bit of a break. In fact I think I've been taking it easy for a bit too long. Next Monday I'll be bringing the thunder.

Special thanks to my Patreon backer Jesse for his support.

Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom is propriety of Level-5 games and Namco Bandai. 

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