Thursday, May 31, 2018

Let's Play Bioshock Infinite Part 4: Finkton B

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 Ok, I have no idea what in the hell just happened and I really don't want to know. As long as Fitzroy has her guns and she gives me my airship I could care less. Wait, Dewit, Martyr of the revolution? So there was another me in this world, and he was killed for Fitzroy? No no wait, that's not what happened I, I, I know what happened I know how things went down at the Hall of Heroes. No no wait wait, I just need to focus and get to the factory, meet up with Fitzroy and just get out of this flying hellhole.

Special thanks to my Patreon backer Jesse for his support.

Bioshock Infinite is owned by Ken Levine, Irrational Games, 2K Games and Take-Two Interactive.

Monday, May 28, 2018

Let's Play Bioshock Infinite Part 3: Finkton A

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 Huh, I guess lying to Elizabeth about Paris was a bad idea, go figure. So now here I am in Finkton trying to find this guy Chen Lin so Fitzroy can get her guns for her war on Comstock. From what I can see, I've got a lot of ground to cover to find the girl and the guns. Least I know that the locals won't exactly be turning over the "False Shepard" any time soon. Though they may be more likely to raise an eyebrow over that belching old man and kid I keep running into.

Special thanks to my Patreon backer Jesse for his support.

Bioshock Infinite is owned by Ken Levine, Irrational Games, 2K Games and Take-Two Interactive.

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Let's Play Bioshock Infinite Part 2: Solders Field & Hall of Heroes

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 You'd think that once I got the girl that's that, head back to NY, cash my check and drink myself into the grave like I planned. But then a robot gargoyle thing brings my plans literally crashing to the ground. Luckily I know how to make lemonade out of life's lemons so we head to the Prophets' airship, but to get there we need a favor from my old CO back in Wounded Knee, Slade. But Comstock's got his number so I need to punch his ticket before I get the Shock Jockey. After that it's smooth sailing back to New York.

Special thanks to my Patreon backer Jesse for his support.

Bioshock Infinite is owned by Ken Levine, Irrational Games, 2K Games and Take-Two Interactive.

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Let's Play Bioshock Infinite Part 1: Bring us the girl and wipe away the debt.

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 Bring us the girl and wipe away the debt. Simple little rush job on paper right, just get into a flying city, find this girl who happens to be one of the center points of the local religion, get her out of the city and not get yourself killed. But Twiddle-Dee and Twiddle-Dum just kind of forgot to mention that I'm public enemy #1 even though I've never heard of much less set foot on this crazy thing. Oh and they also forgot to mention that this place has a giant robot gargoyle flying around for the sole purpose of making sure the Girl doesn't get out of the city. Well if they wanted to surprise me I'd say it worked, but they really need to work on their sense of humor.

Special thanks to my Patreon backer Jesse for his support.

Bioshock Infinite is owned by Ken Levine, Irrational Games, 2K Games and Take-Two Interactive.

Monday, May 21, 2018

Let's Play Ni no Kuni™ II: Revenant Kingdom: Part 55-58 (Ding Dong Dell)

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 Ok when did this game turn into Black Panther? I mean it's not exactly like it make no mistake but there defenitly seem to be more then a few parts of the same themes and subtexts at play here. I won't go into exactly what but tell me that you don't see some parallels between Evan's confronting Mausinger and T'Challa confronting Killmonger. Though it at least ends better in certain areas, and worse if you stop and think about it for a bit. But enough about that the end of the world is coming via the Great Rock Leader.

Special thanks to my Patreon backer Jesse for his support.

Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom is propriety of Level-5 games and Namco Bandai. 

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Movie Review: Deadpool 2: Check out those Double D's! (No Spoilers)

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Domino and Dick bag, what'd you think I meant by that? You pervs.
 Ah, nothing short of a masterpiece. Why is it a masterpiece, because like all of the greats it starts with a bang! IE starting the story In media res, again. You remember when I said that life is a series of train-wrecks with only brief commercial like breaks of happiness? Well apparently the jack-off screen writer did and boy did they have a doozy waiting for me. 

 Not saying what (cause I'm just such a nice guy) though all I'll say is that I had my Uncle Ben moment. Hey Tom Holland, just me taking one right up the turd launcher for the team, see you when I see you once the whole X-Men, Fox buy out whatever gets resolved! Also you better bring in Bronson Pinchot he was the best part of your debut work! Back to the category 5 shit tornado that is my life, now that I had my own Green Lantern reboot I did the intro then Captain Titanium Twinkletits pulls me out of the wreckage both figuratively and literally and drafts me into the Super-powered Heavens Gate resort staff with my old pal Starlight Glimmer and her girlfriend Pinkie-Pie. (Still BFFS BTW, LOL #Deathbattlerules #DPstillbetterthenDS)

 I told him this was a bad idea and like Cassandra I was sooooo right but did anyone care to listen? Well the movie goes on for an hour and a half so what do you think? So we get a job to take care of this kid Russel who was dumped into a real shithole run by some westboro baptist pedo types so I popped the one who looked like Jared Leto from Suicide Squad which got me and the kid sent to the Ice Box, basically Git-Mo for mutants. But if that wasn't enough, now some John Conner looking tool called Cable went back in time to blow Russels brains out because according to him he's the Rainmaker and now I have to be the Joseph Gordon Levet to his Bruce Willis. Welp, I guess I need to start learning Chinese then. (hindsight might help with the opening, so on my to do list along side Betty White, Al, Domino and especially sticking it sideways to Logan)

 But I'm not doing this alone, no no if I'm going down I'm taking as many assholes as I can with me. So me and Weasel put out some flyers and we wound up with X-Force. Its members are of course me, king Deathbringer and love machine DP. Next is Shatter-star, some jackass alien who's power is being better then everyone else. We also recruited Ceaser from the Expendables, Pennywise, the easiest casting choice ever, my sugar bear Peter and last but most certainly not least Domino. What's her deal? She has literal luck powers.
Also, if any of you try to compare my fat stack to this limp dick? Then you'll be bumped right to the top of my to do list!
 So as for Cable, you know when you see a guy who carries that many guns as well as a burnt teddy bear with him wherever he goes, you just have to know he's fucked in the head. As if him trying to kill a kid wasn't enough to convey that notion. But you just look at this guy and you'll get the feeling that this wasn't the most messed up decision he's gone through with, much less the most recent one. But I'm not gonna say anymore here cause, again, nice guy underneath the Freddy Krueger cosplay. So nice that maybe I'll treat him to a nice big grape soda once this is over, maybe watch a sunset on a farm somewhere and see where it goes from there, (all the homo, no shame). 

 With all that said go see my movie, do it, seriously stop reading and go. Ok fine, the fights are even more kickass then the first movie. You get to hear all of the jokes you loved the first time around and even some pay off to some from the first movie. Also yes we get a much better third act, mostly due to me having more dill weeds to play off of. Now see ya'll in the MCU I cannot WAIT to see how that's all gonna shape up, either way it'll still be better then DC that's for sure.  

In memory of Joi "SJ" Harris 

Special thanks to my Patreon backer Jesse for his support.

Deadpool 2 is owned by 20th Century Fox, Marvel Entertainment and The Donners' Company Based on Characters created by Fabian Nicieza and Rob Lefeld (Kinda sorta)
Super Sentai is owned by Ishinomori Productions, Toei Productions, and Bandai.

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Let's Play Ni no Kuni™ II: Revenant Kingdom: Part 50-54

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 Now that Roland has gotten the mark of kings back we're all set to infiltrate Ding Dong Dell and confront Mouse Jafar. But apparently there's more going on then we first thought. No, no of course that'd be far too easy to just assume the boss is the mastermind. Apparently his wormy little #2 has a bit of a purple aura problem instead of the big cheese. But enough about that more recruiting is in order and I get my revenge on a few skirmish battles and tainted monsters.

Special thanks to my Patreon backer Jesse for his support.

Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom is propriety of Level-5 games and Namco Bandai. 

Monday, May 14, 2018

Video Game Review: Shin Megami Tensei Strange Journey Redux/ Deep Strange Journey: Back into the Black hole!

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 Of all the SMT games that deserve a remake and rerelease for modern consoles this one is a personal delight. I wasn't always a fan of the Megami Tensei games, hell I never really heard of them till my brother got a used copy of Persona 4 for the PS2. So I decided "eh why not", gave it a try and the rest as they say is that. Now while I learned more about Persona I learned inevitably about the franchise that Persona spun off from, the Megami Tensei series. But this was before SMT 3 and the other PS2 games were on the PSN store so I decided to go with a rather obscure spin off that surprisingly didn't get a sequel.

 So I went to my local Gamestop I think, picked up a used copy and thus Strange Journey became my very first non Persona SMT game and BOY was it a different breed compared to Persona 4. From the setting to the story and the Pokemon esc demon recruiting mechanic, bone grinding difficulty, morally system and multiple endings Strange Journey was a breath of fresh air in the same way Persona 4 was when I first played it. But enough of my reminiscing I'll give a general recap of the game but for this rerelease you really should go in cold. Unlike the Persona series past Eternal Punishment were we play as anime trope #245, the transfer student; we're playing as a United Nations special ops solder who has been assigned to a strike team that has been sent to investigate a mysterious space which has materialized in the South Pole that threatens to swallow the entire world. Once they get inside they find that there's no way to contact the outside world and they can't get out the same way they came in.

 So for this game we've been essentially banished to the Black hole.

 They penetrate the blag ole called the Schwarzwelt and being an SMT game there's demons all over the place and they want to escape and rip every humans face off. Though personally I can't tell which is worse the demons or being trolled to death by the Gatekeeper. Before they find out for themselves the crews of all the strike teams ships all receive a vision from an unknown source, and with it the Demon Summoning Program is uploaded to their special combat suits called Demonicas that allow them to communicate with and control demons. So with their new demons our protagonist and the crew of the Red Sprite must venture into the heart of the Schwarzwelt and destroy it to save Earth. However there are several factions who want to use the Schwarzwelt for their own purposes, including the Three Wise Men, a mysterious blond girl, a black haired, black winged angel named Mastema, the Mothers of the Schwarzwelt and now for the 3DS remake; a mysterious woman called Alex as well as Zeus and Demeter, maybe.

 Regarding the characters I won't go into too much detail as usual. Even though this is a remake of a 9 year old game I really want you to experience it for yourselves and avoid spoilers, so only names and basic characterization will be detailed here.

First is our protagoinist. There's nothing about him when you start. The only unique thing about him is his nationality depending on which version you're playing. If you're playing the English release he's from the US and the Japanese version he's from Japan. He really is nothing more then a player avatar.
Next is the Captain of the Red Sprite Commander Gore.  He dies within the first hour of the game. That's all I can say for now. Also yes he is clearly named after Al Gore. But he is important to the story I'm being super duper cereal.
Now we have the AI of the Red Sprite, Arthur. After Commander Gore dies Arthur is made the new commander of the Red Sprite. Though Arthur the Crew of the Red Sprite receives the Demon Summoning Program.
Following up is Jimenez, the Chaos partner of our story. A private contractor from the US he's the only member of the Blue Jet to survive the crash and subsequent attack by the resident demons. He's not afraid to speak his mind though is rather pessimistic and confrontational, though he is on friendly terms with his personal Demon Bugaboo and the Protagonist. 
On to our law aligned partner Zelenin. She's a scientist from Russia and is a survivor from the third ship, the Elve. And after she survived her time in Sector Bootes, let's just say she's not all that willing to use the DSP anytime soon. That is until she encounters Mastema.
Mastema, also known as Mansemat, is an angel of persecution and hostility as cited from the literature of Israel's Second Temple Period. In this regard, he is also similar to Satan, who held more or less the same portfolio in other books of the period. Mastema is said to be the angel that unleashed the ten plagues of Egypt and attempted to kill Moses. In this game he's an angel supposedly sent by God to investigate the Schwarzwelt but seems to be following his own agenda. While he claims to be following the orders of God Jiminez correctly doesn't trust the guy as far as he can throw him. Though he does help the crew of the Red Sprite they do keep this angel at arms length.
Last and the newest character in this remake is Alex. All I know about her is that she has her own AI George and she wants to kill me badly for some reason.
 Gameplay wise you'll be navigating the various dungeons, referred to as sectors in this game by a first person perspective with a map on the bottom screen that fills out as you progress through the level. Basically if you've played Etrian Odyssey or Persona Q Shadow of the Labyrinth you'll be familiar with how it all works. But unless you get to recruiting demons and getting new and better equipment you'll be stomped on rather quickly. You'll get new weapons by bringing back Forma that you collect from Demons (though negotiation, defeating them or as a reward for leveling up.) Some forma can only be found in specific sectors or as rewards for side-quests, again much like Persona Q.

 But you won't be able to survive on new equipment alone, every good solder does need trustworthy squad-mates after all, and luckily for you these demons will always work for you, provided you know what their price is. A major factor in recruiting demons in this game is dependent on your moral alignment. By default you'll be neutral-neutral, but as you answer certain dialogue routes you'll sway between the Chaos and Law alignment. If you're lawful then Chaos demons will be harder to negotiate with and the opposite is true too so if you're looking to draft a new demon you better be on the same page ya hear? However there's three conditions where you cannot recruit demons, if the demon is an Unknown, the moons phase is full (unless you have a certain sub-app equipped) and if the demons' secondary alignment is Dark so you'll have to fuse those particular demons or get really lucky and run into them during the full moon with the aforementioned sub-app.

 Or you could just summon a demon by imputing a password, you can find the Passwords for all demons by checking out the SMT Wiki. The music is a radical departure from most of the Megaten series. Once again Shouji Meguro was the composer for this game so surprise, surprise despite the tone it fits this game like a glove. While most of the games I've played that he worked on have gone for a rock, synth and pop style depending on which game it is Strange Journey is much more serious and dire. Apparently he was told to compose it like if it were a movie so he went for a military orchestration with Gregorian chanting, drums and violins.

 Which makes sense for a joint military operation to save the world, the clock is ticking closer to doomsday so it's all business and it really stresses the dire and serious tone of the setting. So all in all when Strange Journey Redux comes out be sure to pick it up. If you're only familiar with the Megaten franchise through Persona this may be what gets you to check out the other areas of the franchise like I did. They're all still great games, made by the same company so equip your Demonica and get out into the field to kick some demon ass! Rip and tear, rip and tear, rip and tear their guts!

Special thanks to my Patreon backer Jesse for his support.

Shin Megami Tensei Strange Journey Redux/Deep Strange Journey is owned by Atlus, Sega and Lancarse.
Atmosfear is owned by J.W. Spear & Sons, Mattel and Flying Bark Productions.

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Let's Play Ni no Kuni™ II: Revenant Kingdom: Part 45-49

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 As is the price of getting new modes of transport in JRPG's we're obligated to test it out and unlock all the new locations and treasure chests that are now accessible to me. So thats what I end up doing just to be as comprehensive as possible. But I do clear Dreamers gates and tainted Monsters in the process to spice things up a tad. So after several hours of filler we finally get back to the main story of the game. All Roland has to do is play his part and hope he comes out on top.

Special thanks to my Patreon backer Jesse for his support.

Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom is propriety of Level-5 games and Namco Bandai. 

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Let's Play Ni no Kuni™ II: Revenant Kingdom: Part 40-44

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 Nothing of real significance with this installment. Just me going about collecting new citizens, a new Higgledy and killing some tainted Monsters. But aside from all that and leveling up parts of my kingdom there's really not much to go on here. Sorry about that folks but I figured that since this is a whole new LP of a brand new game I didn't know what to cut out and whatnot. Overall story is that unless you know what is fluff or not RPGs are probably not good for Lets Play material.

Special thanks to my Patreon backer Jesse for his support.

Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom is propriety of Level-5 games and Namco Bandai. 

Monday, May 7, 2018

March to Infinity: Avengers Infinity War: Thanos the movie, guest starring the MCU! (No Spoilers)

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 Here we are at last, Avengers Infinity War. From where we began 10 years ago (holy shit) to now; we have the culmination of a decade of movie making right here, right now. Now if you were paying attention at all during these movies after the first Captain America that a major plot point is the Infinity Stones and Thanos the mad Titan. While this movie borrows ideas from the Infinity Gauntlet Storyline it actually borrows its name from its sequel Infinity War. So for those who are unaware of the original Infinity Gauntlet story, here ya go.

 The most notable changes for the movie is that while Thanos is still collecting the stones, he isn't trying to get Death-Senpai to notice him and Adam Warlock hasn't been introduced officially in the MCU yet. As we left off with the remaining Asguardians we're pretty sure that they're the first on Thanos' body count due to Loki's little souvenir from Asgard. So on top of the Power Stone that he recovered from the Nova Corp he now has the Space stone that was stored in the Tesseract.  Now all that's left is the unknown Soul Stone, the Time Stone that's in the Eye of Agamotto with Dr Strange, the Reality Stone from the Collector and the Mind Stone that's in Vision's head.

 This is one of those movies where I won't be spoiling a damn thing about it. (At least until the end of the year for recap or another such article.) The star of this movie is undoubtably Josh Brolin as Thanos. All those years of build up, his appearances and plans within the previous Marvel movies all come to a climax with him and his goons finally taking charge and what was the result?

 Yep Thanos was totally worth the wait. He commands your attention, his motivations for getting the stones is truly monstrous, terrible and perhaps the most scary of all, understandable. He's not just a genocidal maniac for the sake of being pure evil, no no, he thinks that what he's doing is honestly the right thing to do and that only he and he alone should be the one to do this crusade. Perhaps the best part that exemplifies this is how he gets the Soul Stone. Again, I won't say anything more about this scene except that I knew they would come back in some way when they interacted with the thing just not in the way I or perhaps Marvel originally intended.

 Also how the hell did they survive and how do they know this stuff? Aside from the big purple star the rest of the movie is as expected; a grand slam. From minute one the action is intense, the drama has you glued to your seat seeing some of our favorite heroes going through such hardship and seeing such devastation unlikes the which no-one has ever born witness to in the MCU so far. We see old comrades meeting up after the events of Civil War and the signing of the Sokovia Accords, old characters encountering new characters like Dr Strange, Tony Stark and Peter Quill's egos colliding against each other to hilarious results, Thor encountering the Guardians of the Galaxy and of course the big trailer fight in Wakanda was epic as hell. Even the individual fights against Thanos' generals were awesome in their own ways

 Though there is a few problems with the movie. It really wants us to care about two particular characters that the audience really don't seem to give a crap about. While I was concerned about one of the them for the sake of the overall plot the characters themselves weren't exactly on my favorites list. It was pretty much like when Agent Coulson died in Avengers 1, I honestly didn't care. Also, the ending while chilling and devastating to see kind of loses its drama when you remember all of the Phase 4 movies coming out in the next few years.

 Speaking of the post credits scene if this dude has this person on speed dial this whole damn time why didn't they call this guy sooner? In universe I mean you'll see after the credits. Overall, yes this movie was totally worth the wait, a grand slam of a tenth anniversary and easily in my top 10 MCU movies, though I'll give my thoughts on the overall MCU movies when Phase 3 is over with Infinity War Part 2. Now make no mistake this is unbeatably a part 1 so ironically the March to Infinity will keep going on, at least until next year. But for now while the first part of the War is over we'll check in when we see two little guys that managed to avoid getting squashed by Thanos' big, blinged out Power Glove.

Special thanks to my Patreon backer Jesse for his support.

Avengers: Infinity War is owned by Walt Disney Studios motion Pictures and Marvel Studios Based off the original comics Created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby
Jontron is owned by Jon Jaffri and Normal Boots.

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Let's Play Ni no Kuni™ II: Revenant Kingdom: Part 35-39

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 We finally make it to Broadleaf AKA Appletopia. Now we've seen some crazy behavior from rulers corrupted by Doloran before but flying around in your own personal blimp and sicking your Kingmaker on your citizens/employees for striking against your mandatory crunch time? I guess this more then just looks like Okumura's Palace, it practically is his palace. Though we manage to break Zip out of his madness and we get an epic surprise from Lofty in the process. Now that that's all done its off for another recruitment drive, joy.

Special thanks to my Patreon backer Jesse for his support.

Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom is propriety of Level-5 games and Namco Bandai. 

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Let's Play Ni no Kuni™ II: Revenant Kingdom: Part 29-34

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 After all of the main story nonsense we get back to the recruiting drive nonsense. On top of that we take care of some more tainted monsters and a dreamers gate. With the gate in particular proving that even I am not above doing something ridiculously stupid. Well with the tedious stuff out of the way we're off on our brand new jumping ship to go see Broadleaf and whatever craziness Doloran has been pushing its ruler to do.

Special thanks to my Patreon backer Jesse for his support.

Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom is propriety of Level-5 games and Namco Bandai.