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Sorry for the lack of Mega Man 11 Robots this was the best one I could find. |
Welcome one and all to a new theme month. For every Monday of May this year I’m going to cover a topic related to one of the most beloved game series of all time, Mega/Rockman. After going through both the Classic and X legacy collections i’ve got a bit of the Blue bomber stuck in my head and I figured i'd just go with it. As for this list I’ll be covering my favorite Robot Master from each of the 11 games of the classic series so far. But before I start let me clarify one thing, this list is only listing my favorite robot master from every numbered entry, not overall just going from Mega Man 1 through 11 mostly focusing on their design and aesthetics
. So without further ado we'll start with my favorite Robot Master from the first game, Elec Man.
"Well isn't this a shocking choice?!" |
Now considering that the original game had only 6 Robot Masters (not counting Time Man and Oil Man from Powered up) there wasn’t much to choose from. So I figured I’d just go for the one who annoyed me the least and Elec Man won by a landslide. Since it was the first game I’m willing to give the lack of diversity in design some slack since, hell everybody thought that Mega Man was gong to be a one and done series with the first one until Inafune and his guys completed Mega Man 2 on the side so for the first game, Elec Man gets the job done. Plus his weapon the elec beam is an undoubted life saver. I did the Elec Beam trick agains the Yellow Devil and Wily, I admit it and you all did too!
"Guess I was just a cut above the rest." |
For my pick from Mega Man 2 what many people consider to be the best game in the classic series my favorite Robot Master is Metal Man. Yeah unoriginal but you have to admit that his weapon the Metal Blade is by far one of the most broken weapons in gaming. Aside from that a robot that was made strictly for the purpose of killing Mega Man and was given said OP weapon to do it while covered in sharp, pointy blades it seems like this was the one that would get the job done. Though the name for this guy is more than a tad redundant
since, well robots are made of metal. It'd be like calling a human, Meat man.
"Expecting someone else? The world just bites doesn't it?" |
For the third game which apparently had the worst production
history that Inafune worked on (until Mighty Number 9 that is) we have Snake Man. Now how a snake
themed Robot would fit into gathering energy crystals to power a giant peace keeping robot is questionable but hey I guess Wily just wanted an excuse to make this guy. Nevertheless
this guy does look cool, I mean
there's just some constants that make things cool by default, one of those being snakes. Plus he's green and with my favorite color on top of a basic but functional design makes Snake Man my favorite Mega Man 3 Robot Master.
"Yep, I'm awesome, no bones about it." |
Another default design that earns cool points, skulls. I mean if you want a robot that just screams evil, just add a skull or two and you're good to go, why do you think Wily has the whole skull motif in the first place? Now as for the functionality of this guy as a combat robot he pulls it off really well as without his weakness it's a hard time taking him down. Though sadly this Skull Man has no relation to that
other Skull Man but oh well he works well otherwise. So from a design and fighting stand point I kind of dig Skull Man.
"Sorring high above the, HEY, great now I'm hungry." |
Oh I had to make that joke. Sadly Mega Man 5 seems to be where the Robot Master designs were getting to be a bit of the same old, same old. So I had to go with the Robot most often mistaken for a Sandwich. On his own he can be taken down pretty easily with the Mega Buster and provides a fair challenge, though with his weakness he's no trouble at all. But just keep an eye out for him because if you're not careful this green menace will make you a Mega Sandwich, right Barry?
"Sorry, this steed's anything but noble!" |
After the meh of Mega Man 5 Mega Man 6 takes a page from G Gundam's book and goes for an International theme for their robots. (Though thankfully nothing as stupidly hilarious as the Windmill Gundam, HAH.) (Side note possible list for dumbest robot designs in future.) And representing Greece is the time master Centaur Man. Now aside from the fact that he's my favorite color I also like the, well Centaur design of him.
Most of the time the Robot Masters just stick to a humanoid form but as the name implies Centaur Man is definitely going to stand out from the crowd with his equine design. Though just like Gyro Man if you know what his patterns are he makes for a decent first boss in Mega Man 6. Though no, I won't be making a Jojo reference with Centaur Man's time stop powers, we have more then enough of them thank you very much.
"What a lovely night, care to go get a drink with me?" |
Now that we're finally done with the NES aesthetics (for now anyway) we move on to the Super Nintendo with Shade Man. Now, I love the blatant evil vampire design of this guy. He was originally built for a haunted house amusement park and after Dr Wily made some modifications he became a real threat. Not only could this guy unleash super sonic attacks but he can also make like his design and suck oil out of robots to regain his strength making for a tough fight if you're not careful. Also the fact that even with his weakness he doesn't have Spark Mandril syndrome and reset his patterns after being hit it is a major plus.
" Oh dear, why'd I have to be here?" |
Moving to the PS1 entry we have Astro Man. Once again its the green guy that gets the pick but I also like the spherical design and how he flies around with his anti-gravity spheres. Though trying to fight this guy can be a problem, when you fight him it can get really hard to hit him and his Astro Crush attack is basically a screen nuke. Though to compensate somewhat is that he has a terrible case of Spark Mandril syndrome since if you hit him with his weapon you'll stun lock him if you keep the offense on and he'll never get a shot off. Also since he shows up in Mega Man and Bass he's technically my pick from that game as well since I'm not touching that beast, especially the GBA version since it's the only one I have access to without emulators.
"When I'm done, you'll be seeing a lot more then stars!" |
After the classic blue bomber's 10 year hiatus we go back to the 8-bit aesthetics. So for that entry we have the goofy looking but somewhat cute Galaxy Man. Aside from green and unique designs I also have a weakness for robots that can transform such as Galaxy Man. He can turn into a classic 50's style UFO, fly around and even drop black holes to draw Mega Man into a painful love tap if you're not careful. Also his stage is a rather interesting challenge with the warp tube gimmick and the grabber enemies are a decent test of your memory making for an overall decent robot.
"That Terui Ryu guy stole my entire gimmick, where's my lawyer?" |
Yep another transformer for this list and boy this guy is a beast without his weakness. Now the transformer gimmick was cool enough but if you go into a fight with him without his weakness Nitro Man's going to leave you as roadkill pizza. On top of the wheel cutters he throws he can also go so fast he can climb up the walls of his arena. Even if you know his weakness triggering the major damage can be a pain, but I won't give it away for those who haven't played. But yeah a fast, transforming motorcycle bot, of course he's cool.
"It's playtime everybody!" |
Last we have my personal favorite from the most recent classic Mega Man game, Bounce Man. I mean, how can you not like this guy, he's a big, bouncing ball of joy who looks like if the Disney version of Baymax was painted pink. On top of that his personality makes him seem like a big kid who just wants to have fun and bounce around. Which makes the fact that you have to fight and destroy him just because he was reprogramed by Wily into a war machine all the more sad. Also his stage is just my personal favorite one from Mega Man 11 since it's just a big old bounce castle/ indoor amusement park and I've always loved those when I was a kid so seeing that got my nostalgia gears turning.
So those were my favorite Robot Masters from Mega Man 1 though 11. If you didn't see yours here let me know who's your favorite from each game and why.
But if you think that this is going to be all fun, sunshine and cool designs, it's not. Next week I'll go over my least favorite Robot Masters from each game. Spoiler, Top Man is going to be my pick for Mega Man 3 because everything about him just sucks.
Special thanks to my Patreon backer Jesse for his support.
Megaman is owned by Capcom.