Monday, June 3, 2019

Video Game Review: Persona Q2 New Cinema Labyrinth: It’s Showtime!!!

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 The first Persona Q was a fun little slice of fan service for fans of Persona 3 and 4 seeing our favorite characters interact with each other, deal with bizarre new situations and still deliver a staple Persona gut punch to the heart with a story that manages to blend the themes of the two stories together. Those being the acceptance of Death and facing your darkest truths. So if we add another team of characters, an alternate universe rule 63 version of the Persona 3 lead and tack on the theme of rebelling against an unjust society, do you think that maybe there’s a risk of spoiling the broth? Those are some of my fears going into Persona Q2. Surprisingly not for the Switch but the 3DS again, you’d think that with Nintendo pushing the Switch as their new home/portable console you’d think that Atlus/Sega would take the hint, but no we get it on the 3DS. 

 And just like with SMT Strange Journey Redux I’m guessing that since Atlus is releasing this on a technically last gen device; they don’t feel the need to give these games an English dub and save some coin. But that just begs the question of why not release them on the Switch anyway with an English dub to keep that sec of the fandom happy? I’m not complaining I just think it’s kind of odd that they’re going about it like this. I'm guessing that it has to do with these mechanics working only on the 3DS. But hey at the end of the day we get more SMT goodness on the go without mobile micro transactions (or the ability to take a selfie with Jack Frost or Mara but hey there’s a price for everything I guess) so it’s all good by my books.

 As for the plot from what little I can glean since I’m avoiding spoilers is that the Phantom Thieves (mostly around their school festival due to the presence of Pancake Boy on the team before he stabs them in the back) are taking a page from Veiwtiful Joe and are venturing through the world of movies to undoubtedly solve the problem of some girl that will most likely be Rei 2.0 and be some ghost unable to pass on due to trauma. I mean she basically is Rei only her Zen is an older woman. Anyway these two are stuck in what I’m guessing is the abandoned movie theater near Leblanc, and this is tied into some odd Shadow called Doe that has a doofy looking mask that seems to have some connection to the new girl. As the Phantom Thieves venture through the movie worlds they’ll encounter and recruit the returning Persona characters. First we have the Female Protagonist from Persona 3 PSP in the movie Kamoshidaman where the rapist, child abusing power-mad scumbag is a Superhero. 

 Then we recruit the Persona 4 team in a Jurassic Park parody where apparently Diego Brando is ruining around since we see that some of the Persona 4 team is turning into Dinosaurs. Last we have the rest of the Persona 3 team in a movie where humanity has been replaced with Robots where one of them has developed individuality and their goal is to protect this A.I. But if the last Persona Q game was anything to go by there’s at least two more movie worlds after those but again I won’t be looking around for it any time soon. As for the combat and Personas if you've played the first Q game you should know what you're in for. We will have the Velvet Room but since there's no Social Links the Personas we get are just that, no extra EXP or anything.

 I could talk more about some of the potential features based on the first game but that will just be speculation. From getting new items from salvaging Shadow parts (and yes we're back to traditional Shadow designs instead of the Demons in Mementos, thankfully) to avoiding the F.O.E's that wander the Labyrinths; eventually coming back to beat them and get more items, EXP and potentially strong Personas. Hopefully there's no more of that Streetpass crap, cause I never used the thing and I doubt anyone will since the Switch is a thing now. But all that remains is to get Persona Q2 and see what happens. Now I know I promised that I'd go back to Homura's Revenge after the Month of Mayga man but, something fell into my lap that demands my attention, Heisei Generations Forever, the team up movie of Zi-O and Build, help me.

Special thanks to my Patreon backer Jesse for his support.

Persona Q2 New Cinema Labyrinth is owned by Atlus and Sega.
Spongebob SquarePants is owned by Nickelodeon, Stephen Dillenburg, United Plankton Pictures, and Viacom International Media Networks

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