Saturday, October 19, 2019

Tokusatsu Review: Lupinranger Vs Patranger Vs Kyuuranger Part 2: The true horror.

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Here's part 1:

 Here we are for the (delayed) 2nd part of this review of the crossover between the largest Sentai to date and their successors. Yet I'm not frothing at the mouth with rage due to Dumbluck, I know I'm as shocked as you all are and am currently seeking treatment for my lack of rage at him. Though this review has barely gotten started so there's plenty of potential anger and disappointment around the corner. Or this could be one of those very rare; good crossovers that I've heard so much about.

 Where we last left off the Lupinrangers and a contingent of the Kyuurangers dealt with the Pig Ganglar and DonArkage is powering himself up with the Hyper Planesium. Dumbluck is having none of that though and charges at the Space Demon while he's bathing in the new power and grabs on for dear life despite Keichiro's protests. But it's too late as Don Arkage reveals his new terrible power!

Which manifests as a big, red stupid iron halo on his back, lame!
 So Don Lameass gets away leaving Dumbluck clinging to life. It's been a while since I've seen a Sentai villain I can get behind. Back at Global Police HQ Dumbluck whispers something to Keichiro before he passes out from his injuries.
Tell... Garu....I always..... loved him. Yiff!
 Nah nah, what he actually does tell him is that when he was bear hugging Don Lameass it created a weak spot on his Hyper Planesium coating. Well, what do you know, a moment of competence from Dumbluck. Well, you know what they say about broken clocks. After some convincing from the Kyuurangers the Patrangers and Kyuurangers confront Don Lameass at Abandoned field #125. Lameass nearly whips them out even with the imperfect power boost but are saved by the last 5 Kyuurangers; Spyro the Dumbass Dragon, Leman Russ, Robo Bison, Kurumi and Pine Tree.

 The rest of the Kyuurangers and the Lupinragners get in to back them up and so all 20 Sentai are assembled. Wait, 20?!
Yeah that's Misao Mondo aka Zyuoh Jojo Meme. Why's he here? Cause the Kyuurangers never had a crossover with the Zyuohgers and Toei's rectifying that now.
 There's no in universe explanation as to why Miaso's here, he just is though I'm not really complaining. So after the 20 man transformation and Don Lameass summoning the even lamer Generals of Jark Matter the big brawl is on. Nothing much else of note to comment on aside from when Misao runs off in the middle of the fight. Not because he was afraid or anything I'm just guessing that his paycheck for his cameo was cleared.

 So the ground forces get crushed by the remaining 19, Don Lameass grows and gets his ass kicked by Good Cool Kaiser VSX (which still looks as hideous as its name), the teams congratulate each other on a job well done and that's that. So that was Lupinrangers Vs Patranger Vs Kyuuranger and I have to say, this was actually a pretty decent crossover. Yes I'm as shocked as you are. My biggest problem going into this was the character balance between the three teams. Now the Lupinrangers and Patrangers weren't my main concern as seven characters split between two teams isn't too much of a challenge, but of course the Kyuurangers and their 12 man team was the main factor.

 Thankfully the writer knew that all of the Kyuurangers would devour the screen time as they each competed for attention, as was the main problem with that season. But thankfully several of the Kyuurangers were costumed so if they couldn't get the unsuited actors back they could have just gotten the VA's back to voice the costumed characters and not have to resort to the BS that Clash of the Red Rangers pulled. Though that didn't happen at least it was an option on the table so they just decided to pick which ones would interact better with which team and hid the rest until the big brawl at the end. Other then that the dynamics between the three groups worked and a fair chunk of the Kyuurangers got decent time to interact with the two teams. What really took me by surprise was how Dumbluck wasn't an over glorified asshole throughout the movie with Keichiro being the prefect foil to the Dumbass Red's antics.

 Though there are some flaws such as the villain and why the Kyuurangers even crossed over to the main universe in the first place. Though I know that the Kyuurangers have interacted with the main Sentai Earth before like in Vs Space Squad and in the main show. But I'm getting at is that the ultimate power in their universe just happened to be inside some random celebrities guitar? Which just happened to go through a Tear. Because reasons.

 Also Don Lameass is not very impressive as a villain, but that's sadly what I tend to expect with these Sentai Crossover movies. Now normally we see the remnants of the previous villain faction be the major focus. But the Ganglar flunky that he recruited was the one causing the most damage while everyone else was building Lameass up, only just be an overall disappointment. Basicly I believe that this suffered from Early MCU syndrome, the main focus was on the character interactions while the villains got sidelined and suffered as a result. There's situations where that type of storytelling works and sadly this was not one of those times.

 But over all this was a surprisingly decent crossover. Which means a lot considering how much I despise Kyuuranger. Now since Halloween is fast approaching I have to do something seasonal, aka monster related. And I can think of nothing more horrifying than what I'm about to do. What is it, wait till next week to find out.

Super Sentai is owned by Ishinomori Productions, Toei Productions, and Bandai.
Looney Toons is owned by Warner Brothers and the Vitaphone Corporation. 

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