Monday, September 10, 2018

Personal Post: My new Twitch channel and my new V-log series!

When you're done read, comment, spread the links, re-tweet and follow me on Twitter @OnDavidsBrain!, support me on Patreon and watch my Twitch Channel Every Saturday at 12:00 ET

 Starting something new is never easy, even more so when you have little to no idea what you're doing. But sometimes, you just have to take that leap and hope you make a smooth landing. Now this isn't anything as dangerous a actually taking a leap but for some people this might as well be hopping into the Grand Canyon without a parachute. So here I go, starting Saturday at 12:00 ET (Eastern Standard Time) I'll be taking a shot at live streaming.

 I know that there's plenty of competition but I hope that I can at least try to give everyone something to laugh at. At least in a "oh this guy is really funny" way and not a "oh god this guy is a complete amateur he should just die" kind of way. But here I go anyway, I just need the time and the right game to play. But maybe I can get started with V-logs to build my confidence up a bit. So that's what I did and here's my first one.

 See you all on Saturday at 12:00 ET for my first surprise Stream.

Special thanks to my Patreon backer Jesse for his support.

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